



主演:约翰·佩恩,朗达·弗莱明,阿琳·达尔,肯特·泰勒,特·德·科若,兰斯·富勒,巴迪·贝尔,亨泽尔,Gloria Victor,Fred Aldrich,默里·阿尔珀,埃伦·科比,萨姆·弗林特,弗兰克·格斯特,Roy Gordon,迈伦·希里,弗兰克·詹克斯,Barry Norton,威廉·菲利普斯,乔治·E·斯通,Hal Taggart,Arthur Tovey,乔治·华莱士
简介:  改编自詹姆斯·M·凯恩的小說《Love's Lovely Counterfeit》,一个城市商人在爱上新当选市长的未婚妻时,卷入了有组织犯罪、腐败的城市政治和贪污。


主演:Gila Almagor
简介:  The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography.  The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic.  Gila Almagor in Tofano's "siege" is one of the first characters of the "modern" war widows to appear on Israeli cinema screens.  The human and social complexity of the status of widows was not represented adequately and personally until her complex and fine appearance in this film.  It was mostly Preceded by cliches of heroic women who have sacrificed for the nation with characters to which it was very difficult to get attached, nor to their personal grief.  "Siege" was directed by an unknown Italian director of that period. Although Gilberto Tofano was brought as a professional director on the wings of inspiration made by the French New Wave of those years, he managed to turn out a very exciting work which has caught the Israeli warmth and sense of social siege which surrounds the Israeli widows, including the great expectations from them and the social stigmas.  Tofano wrapped his leading lady with lots of warmth and gave a place of honor to Almagor's impressive presence in the film.  This is without a doubt one of Almagor's best and most accurate performances. The restraint in her performance plus the shooting and expressive use of angles by Tofano and his soft European touch which was far off from the aggressive local product managed to produce a sense of documenting an authentic tragedy with a tangible personal touch that minimized the national dimension. The result stands the test of time proudly several decades after its creation.
Gila Almagor


主演:Fernando Fernán Gómez,María Dolores Pradera,Isabel de Pomés
简介:  A great spanish cult movie!!  This is one of the most astonishing films ever made. It has some scenes that it should be in the history of cinema. Like the filming by Fernando Fernan Gomez of the militias using a big roll of paper to win a positions. Or the begging of the film based on real events. The birth of the director inside the carp where the first cinematographer was showing "the train arriving to the station". Being shoot in really simple way it's amazing the proper use of the audiovisual language. The late Guillermo Cabrera Infante showed this film in a Canadian film festival in Spanish without subtitles when the projection finish the audience didn't move and they ask for seen the film again. The effect of this film in the audience is unbelievable. None a single person that has seen this rare Spanish movie could forget it. Except the main actor Fernando Fernan Gomez who never remember work on it.
Fernando Fernán G..


主演:Arturo Alegro,Julio Alejandro,塞尔希奥·卡尔德龙,Carlos Chávez,Rodrigo Cruz
简介:  一个小组学生乘公共汽车去一个小镇, 为了完成专业实践。 所有人都是朋友, 并且他们决定唱一些现代歌曲, 使其它乘客设法睡觉。 乘客的当中一个生气和呼喊"中止了他们。 但当他们到达镇子, 知道事件以后, 大家对待他们好象罪犯一样。
Arturo Alegro,Jul..


主演:伊莎贝尔·阿佳妮,玛丽-弗朗丝·皮西尔,伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里,帕特里克·马基,埃莱娜·叙尔热尔,罗兰·伯汀,爱丽丝·萨卜特叙,格扎维埃·德普拉,阿德里安·布赖恩,朱利安·库里,Renee Goddard,让·索雷尔,Katherine Apanovitch,皮埃尔·巴约,罗兰·巴特,帕斯卡尔·博尼策尔,彼得·马丁,莉齐·米克瑞,Alice de Poncheville,约翰·威尔士
简介:  英国古典文学勃朗特三姐妹的传记故事


简介:  Ok, folks, this is my last Ishii upload. Totsugeki! Hakata gurentai is his first feature and last 8mm film. Haven't watched it yet myself, but from the looks of it, this is very much reminescent of eighties and nineties v-cinema, sort of like early Miike (only made in 1978). There is considerably more dialogue than in his earlier films, but it doesn't seem too complicated plotwise.


主演:Magaye Niang,Mareme Niang,Christoph Colomb,Mustapha Ture,Aminata Fall,Ousseynou Diop,Fernand Dalfin,Al Demba,Dieynaba Dieng,Assane Faye,Robbie Lawson,Magoné N'Diaye,Alio N'Diaye,Apsa
简介:  两个爱挖苦人的年轻人遭到退学的处分,无所事事,到处招摇撞骗,目的只是为了到巴黎过豪华奢侈的生活。Mouri在一家屠宰场工作,他在自己的摩托车的手把上安装了两只公牛角。Anta,他的女伴,从事政治工作。这两个好朋友骑车四处闲逛和路人搭讪,他们认为,凡是法国来的莫不是“白种女人和性病”。他们假造证据,诬陷一个迷恋Mouri的有钱胖子。后来两人全身脱得精光,赤裸裸地坐在胖子的车中,高举拳头,发表嘲讽性的政治演说……
Magaye Niang,Mare..


主演:汤姆·伯林森,Terence Donovan,柯克·道格拉斯,Tommy Dysart,Bruce Kerr,David Bradshaw,西格丽德·索顿,杰克·汤普森,托尼·邦纳,June Jago,克里斯·海伍德
简介:  故事梗概:  19世纪末的澳大利亚,在一个远离城镇的山区,青年吉姆和父亲居以养马为生。和其他男孩一样,吉姆自幼深爱马匹,幻想着能成为驾驭着良驹驰骋的英雄。当时有一群纯种野马经常出没在吉姆家附近的林区,许多爱马之人都曾尝试将它们抓回驯养,但都以失败告终。一天,野马群袭击了吉姆家的林子,吉姆说动父亲拦截野马,不想父亲却不幸被马群踩伤身亡。父亲的老朋友斯伯送给了失落的吉姆一匹良马,让他到山下的平原找工作谋生。很快,吉姆在牧场主哈里森家找到了工作,别人因为他是山里人而看不起他,但哈里森的女儿杰西卡却很喜欢能干、善良的吉姆。  一日,哈里森外出,只留下吉姆陪杰西卡。杰西卡鼓励吉姆和她一起驯服了父亲最为珍视的那匹价值一千英磅的小马驹,野马群恰在此时袭来,吉姆受了伤。哈里森回家后因为发现有人动了小马驹而大发脾气,将吉姆赶出农场,杰西卡也因此负气离家出走。吉姆在山里找到了杰西卡,他托斯伯把杰西卡送回家。  在斯伯家中,杰西卡意外发现了母亲玛蒂尔达的照片,原来斯伯是哈里森的兄弟,20年前,他们同时爱上了镇上最美丽的姑娘玛蒂尔达,无从选择的玛蒂尔达决定谁先赚到大钱就嫁给谁,但她怎么也没有想到,这个决定会造成日后如此巨大的伤害。哈里森选择了孤注一掷,很可能赔上性命的赌马,而斯伯则选择了暗无天日的挖金矿,最终玛蒂尔达嫁给了哈里森。20年的今天,哈里森成了惟利是图的商人,而斯伯依然没有放弃挖金矿,兄弟俩更在玛蒂尔达不幸去世后反目成仇。  此时的哈里森正在悬巨赏动员全镇的好骑手一起出动寻找小马驹,出于对斯伯的敌意,他拒绝吉姆同去,然而当众人追赶的野马群奔到一处陡峭的山崖时,连最有经验的骑手也不得不勒住了马缰,眼睁睁看着马群遁入林中。只有吉姆独自一人飞马向前,冲下山崖。哈里森一行人却只能站在那里惊恐地看着他远去。最后吉姆不但找回了小马驹,还赶回了成群的野马。于是这个来自雪河的男子汉成了人们心目中真正的英雄。  精彩视点:  提起美国影星柯克·道格拉斯,人们自然会想到气势磅礴的史诗巨片《斯巴达克思》,主人公斯巴达克思正直、勇敢、无所畏惧的英雄气概被后人所传颂,而他的扮演者——柯克·道格拉斯也成为60年代好莱坞影星中最具光芒的一位,也因此荣获了第68届奥斯卡终身成就奖。在这部由著名导演乔治·米勒执导的影片《雪河男子汉》中,柯克·道格拉斯一人分饰两角,充分显示了其过人的演技。  3月19日 23:22 CCTV-6播出
汤姆·伯林森,Terence Do..


主演:赛斯·格林,马修·森莱奇,布瑞金·梅耶,迈克尔·本耶尔,艾利克斯·布诺斯町,Douglas Goldstein,杰米·凯勒,塞思·麦克法兰
简介:  Adult Swim 又一招牌菜《机器肉鸡》,由Seth Green带领他的工作室,被Cartoon Network购买的一款泥人动画节目,主要恶搞各类电视电影作品,流行什么恶搞什么,同时以Robot Chicken作为命题,表示当前美国观众正在被铺天盖地的各类媒体洗脑成为一个个“肉鸡”,每30分钟一集,排在<Aqua Teen Hunger Force>和<Space Ghost Coast to Coast>档期之后每天午夜在Cartoon Network午夜剧场播放。  ps.所谓Adultswim就是所有18+内容的Cartoon Network的节目。  sonychen 严重推荐


主演:Jordan Allen-Dutton,Macaulay Culkin,Ginnifer Goodwin
简介:  The sixth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim. Season six officially began on September 9, 2012 on Adult Swim, with "Robot Chicken DC Comics Special" and will contain a total of twenty episodes. The first of the 20 episodes are set to air the first of the official Season 6 episodes on September 16
Jordan Allen-Dutt..