



主演:桑德里娜·博内尔,Setti Ramdane,Francis Balchère,Jean-Louis Perletti,Urbain Causse,Christophe Alcazar,Dominique Durand,Joël Fosse,Patrick Schmit,Daniel Bos,Katy Champaud,Raymond Roulle,Henri Fridlani,Patrick S
简介:  一天清晨某村庄的沟壕里出现了一具僵死的女尸。在警察的调查下,死者莫娜(桑德里娜•伯奈尔 Sandrine Bonnaire 饰)的流浪岁月由此被揭开。她身背大包四处露营,与落魄的流浪汉同居在一处房子里,一起抽烟睡觉。一个老妇人的女仆尤兰德满心羡慕莫娜和流浪汉的自在状态,不满男友保罗的简单粗暴。某夜保罗入室行窃打昏流浪汉,莫娜随即不辞而别。接下来她遇到了一对放牧的夫妇,他们给了她土地和住所,期望她能努力过上平静踏实的日子。莫娜不以为然重新上路,在路上搭便车结识了以研究树木为职业的兰迪尔,兰迪尔给予了莫娜短暂的帮助后两人便分道扬镳。此后莫娜又在途中结识了剪葡萄树枝的工人阿兹,无人知晓莫娜的流浪将把她引向何处……
桑德里娜·博内尔,Setti Ra..


主演:蕾切尔·斯特灵,凯莉·霍威,安娜·钱斯勒,乔迪·梅,阿列克谢·赛尔,约翰·鲍维,莎莉·霍金斯,迪·波特切尔,卡尔·蔡斯,珍妮特·亨弗瑞,丹尼尔·梅斯,伯娜丝·斯戴杰斯,Sara Stockbridge,Susie Valerio,休·博纳维尔,约翰尼·维加斯,Louis Alderton,Diane Beck,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,安吉拉科伦,Heather Dickinson,莫妮卡·杜兰,Ja
简介:  根据莎拉·沃特斯同名小说《Tipping the Velvet》改编而成。  一支轻轻奉上的滴露玫瑰,让18岁的小镇姑娘南(Rachael Stirling饰)万劫不复,一生的命运就此改变……  南在观看杂戏团表演时,遇见了反串男生演出的女角凯蒂(Keeley Hawes饰),南被后者灿烂夺目的形象和演出深深感染,幸运的她在引荐下和凯蒂结识,满心喜悦地成为偶像的小跟班。  凯蒂要去更大的舞台伦敦出人头地,南自然是义无反顾地跟随,她的表演才华意外地被挖掘出,初出茅庐的她俩一起搭档表演,火速成为舞台上一对最瞩目的角儿。此时,两人的关系也已升级为恋人,凯蒂的终生承诺让南深信不疑。  可是变得最快的总是人心,凯蒂竟然背叛了南,要嫁为人妇,无法接受打击的南逃离了这一切,开始将自己放纵在这座黑暗的城市里。


主演:斯蒂芬·多尔夫,Christa Denton,Louis Tripp,凯利·罗万,珍妮弗·厄文
简介:  传说中黑暗的主宰魔鬼的统治者,无时无刻在觊觎著人类的世界。格林和泰里是两个活泼的小孩,一天他们在家中的后院挖土,无意间挖到了一个直通地心的无底深洞,他们的恶梦便从此开始,晚上无数的精灵及鬼怪,纷纷从地洞中爬出……
斯蒂芬·多尔夫,Christa D..


主演:莫贾娜·埃尔阿劳维,米兰妮·让帕诺米,Catherine Bégin,Robert Toupin,帕翠西卡·图拉斯内,朱丽叶特·高斯林,泽维尔·多兰,Louise Boisvert,Jean-Marie Moncelet,Jessie Pham,Hervé Desbois
简介:  露西(Mylène Jampanoï 饰)童年时被一神秘组织绑架,在那一年的黑暗岁月里,她饱受折磨。最终她趁守卫不注意逃脱,在孤儿院结识了新的朋友安娜(Morjana Alaoui 饰)。然而露西心灵受到严重创伤,她经常能够看到一个全身赤裸、伤痕累累的恐怖女人对她进行恐吓与追杀。露西就在恐慌与悲痛中度过了童年。  15年后,经过一番追查,露西和安娜查到了当年的行凶者之一。露西将对方一家杀害,却仍无法摆脱童年的梦魇,最终在歇斯底里中自杀身亡。悲伤的安娜很快被那个神秘组织抓到,她将如朋友一样,被迫成为传说中的殉道者……


主演:约翰·肖,詹姆斯·格劳特,克莱尔·霍尔曼,丽莎·艾科恩,朱蒂·罗,Louisa Lawrenson
简介:  Morse is taken seriously ill at a museum reception and is hospitalized. In the hospital, Supt. Strange, visits Morse to push him to take early retirement, while Dr. Millicent 'Millie' Van Buren gives him her book on a 140 year-old court case known as the Oxford Canal Murders. The case involved the murder and rape of a young woman, Mrs Joanna Franks, traveling by canal boat from Coventry to London. The case resulted in three boatmen being sentenced to death and two of them hanged. Morse starts to read Millie's book and dreams about it. He soon has a number of problems with the case.  Why weren't the three men also charged with theft? Why did Mrs Franks take a boat instead of a train that was much faster and comfortable and only slightly more expensive? Why didn't she abandon the boat after she complained about lewd behavior of the crew at the shipping office in Banbury? Why did she then drink and 'socialise' with the crew? What happened to her 'carpet bag' with which she arrived on the boat but which was not mentioned in the court case, nor was it stored in the archives with her, almost empty, trunk? The trunk was marked with initials of her first husband who had died. How did it happen that her shoes were found on the boat but nobody saw her return to the boat from the forest?  PC Adrian Kershaw does some brilliant leg work for Morse. He studied history and has invaluable background knowledge. For instance, he mentions that the boatmen had bad reputation because they worked on Sundays and did not attend church. Later a chapel was built for them in Oxford.  The dead woman's clothes and the shoes found on the boat are submitted to modern forensic investigation. The result is that the shoes did not belong to the dead woman found in the water because she was much taller.The shoes were never used in the forest.  Only Mrs Franks' husband, Charles Franks, was called to identify the body of the dead woman. He claimed that, while her face was darkened and disfigured, he found a birth mark behind her ear. The prosecutor welcomed that information "that only a husband or a lover would know". The accused were not shown the body. The defense attorney merely claimed that the guilt of the three men was not proved. All three accused claimed to the end that they were innocent. One of them was not executed because he embraced Christianity in prison.  Morse instructs Kershaw to investigate if Charles Franks benefited from his wife's death and, indeed, he pocketed 300 pounds insurance money. Case closed: Charles Franks murdered a tall women and dropped her in the canal after meeting Joanna in the forest. If Joanna Franks jumped off the boat at the same time as the dead body hit the water, she swam to the bank and joined her husband. The couple changed their names, in the case of 'Charles Franks' a second time after he 'died' as Joanna's first husband. The fourth boatman, a youngster who was not charged, was probably paid by Joanna to give false testimony.  Morse travels to Ireland and has a grave of Joanna's first husband exhumed. The coffin contains bags of sand and some stones.


主演:Rebecca Finch,Tom Hendryk,Tony Manders,Nina Jay,Kate Lush,Hattie Willow,Zuza Tehanu,Georgie Banks,AJ Blackwell
简介:  A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
Rebecca Finch,Tom..


主演:朱莉娅·奥蒙德,拉尔夫·费因斯,菲利普·斯通,Jonathan Lacey,Don Henderson,Celia Gregory,Jeff Nuttall,杰西卡·海因斯,Kathryn Hunter,Gabrielle Reidy,Frank Egerton,Phelim McDermott,Tony Vogel,Tatiana Strauss,Louisa Milwood-Haigh,Ric
简介:  一位面目丑陋不堪的老妇生下了一个相貌标致、拥有天使面孔的男婴。然而男婴的姐姐(朱丽娅·奥蒙德Julia Ormond饰)却声称孩子是自己的。处女生子的荒唐前提一旦成立,一连串不可思议的玄虚之事便相继发生,整个世界的秩序将不复存在。她先是宣称男婴为神之附体的圣婴,后是以圣母玛利亚自称,靠圣婴赚取钱财。当姐姐与主教的儿子(拉尔夫·费因斯Ralph Fiennes饰)相恋时,却遭到了圣婴的阻碍,主教的儿子惨死在牛角之下。  姐姐为了报复,杀死了圣婴,闻讯赶来的人们要求严惩这个触犯天条的女人,于是她被判处了死刑,由于当时法律规定,处女是不能处死的,所以教皇命令208名士兵强奸她。姐姐在强暴中死去,人们欢快地将圣婴肢解后分掉,希望可以得到圣婴的庇佑。


主演:Terri Abney,Emonjay Brown,Shinda Burrell,Belle Louise Conrad,Cecil Elmore Jr.,Duane Finley,卡尔·吉丽亚德 Carl Gilliard,卡里姆·J.格里梅斯,Iyana Halley,Clayton Haymes,Jasmine Hill,诺曼·詹森·朱尼尔,William L. Johnson,Amanda
简介:  Born in the generational Los Angeles street culture a 19-year-old father seeks a better life in the midst of a turf war.
Terri Abney,Emonj..


主演:Jasmine Curtis,Louise de los Reyes
简介:  Alex, is a twenty-something year old creative based in Manila. She is out to most people except her best friend- Jess who she has been secretly in love with since they were kids. When Jess discovers the truth about Alex, they are forced to confront the feelings they have for each other.
Jasmine Curtis,Lo..


主演:扎克·吉尔福德,哈米什·林克莱特,克里斯塔尔·巴林特,马特·比德尔,艾丽克斯·埃索,安娜贝丝·吉什,拉胡尔·寇利,克里斯汀·莱曼,罗伯特·朗斯特里特,伊格比·里格尼,凯特·西格尔,萨曼塔·斯洛扬,亨利·托马斯,迈克尔·特鲁科,Louis Oliver,Annarah Cymone,Rahul Abburi
简介:  《午夜弥撒》由《鬼入侵》创剧人迈克·弗拉纳根倾力打造,故事背景设定在与世隔绝的小岛社区,身败名裂的年轻人(扎克·吉尔福德饰)再度回归,同时一名魅力非凡的牧师(哈米什·林克莱特饰)到访,加剧了这个社区的分裂。当保罗神父出现在克罗克特岛时,恰好发生了一些无法解释、不可思议的事件,令这个社区重新燃起了对宗教的狂热,但这些奇迹是否伴有相应的代价?