



主演:雷·利奥塔,克里斯蒂安·史莱特,文·瑞姆斯,Gisele Fraga,莎拉·安·舒尔茨,迈克尔·罗德里克,梅洛拉·沃尔特斯,Chris LeBlanc,雷蒙德·J·巴里,Serena Caryl,Trent A. Chastain,C.R. Clatworthy,Wes Deitrick,Cindy Dolenc,Alex Donnolo,托尼·杜佩,Aaron Farb,杨雅慧,Sean Par
简介:  影片讲述了凶杀案侦探Jack(雷·利奥塔Ray Liotta)在调查一系列谋杀案的过程中,不知不觉地成了主要嫌疑犯,FBI发现了他与所有受害人的联系...


主演:John Hannah,Famke Janssen,Peter Stormare
简介:  Conman Leo Garfield is in hot water after accepting a contract to murder businessman Julius Harvey's alleged wife, Gloria. Leo's wife Lily brings trouble too when her old flame Elmo pops up again, years after she abandoned him mid-heist.
John Hannah,Famke..


主演:Aaron Leggett,Paul Gordon,Jonny Mars,ory Balsimo,Rebecca Beegle
简介:  本片是对由几个灵异现象调查者和他们忠犬组成的史酷比式队伍的恶搞。  眼看队伍就要破产了,他们被请去调查偏僻的凯泽豪宅中发生的一系列怪事,这里也是被邪教和活人祭祀的传言所笼罩的一所教会学校。他们是揭穿鬼故事骗局的专家,尽管很多迹象表明,这次不像以往那样,是开发商为了赶走房主而扮鬼,他们仍然投入进了工作中,准备在这里过夜。等入夜之后,他们发现,这座房子可能确实闹鬼了,凶残的鬼魂,或是更可怕的......
Aaron Leggett,Pau..


主演:杜夫·龙格尔,布莱恩娜·伊维根,肖恩·法瑞斯,乔·胡尔特拉斯,Alyshia Ochse
简介:  A couple love their new house, bought for a steal out of a foreclosure. During their first visit they find illegal drugs stashed in the walls, and they realize this is not their dream house. As they are about to leave, suddenly their exit is blocked by a gun-wielding neighbor Spector and his accomplice. They come to realize the house is hiding more than drugs - it's the operation center for mass drug czar who is buried beneath the floorboards. On the run from the professional killers who want the drugs and evidence, the resourceful couple will need to turn the tables on their attackers to survive.


主演:Jake McDorman, Leela Savasta and William Baldwin
简介:  24岁的波士顿大学医学院学生马可夫(Philip Markoff)利用Craigslist广告, 欺骗从事**交易的女子上勾,然后在旅馆中抢劫她们, 甚至残忍的谋杀她们。媒体叫他Craigslist网站杀手, 一连串的案件令警方及社会陷入深深的不安…  “The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) conducted online while preparing for a promising future as a doctor and a life of happiness with his fiancée, Megan McAllister (Agnes Bruckner). Seemingly destined for greatness as one of Boston University’s brightest med students, Markoff could do no wrong in the eyes of Megan, his friends, fellow students and professors. But hidden from those close to him was the violent wrath only he and his victims knew — beginning with his alleged April 14, 2009, first-degree murder of a masseuse who advertised her services on Craigslist. When police discover that the brutal killing and a number of other attacks on women were all connected to advertisements placed on Craigslist, their investigation ultimately leads them to Markoff. William Baldwin portrays the lead detective investigating the case.  Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) had it all. A straight-A medical student with a beautiful fianc閑 (Agnes Bruckner), Philip had a future others could only envy. But when a masseuse is murdered by a man she meets through an ad she placed on Craigslist, the clues point directly toward Philip, whom the police accuse of leading a secret life where he preys upon young women. William Baldwin costars in this shocking tale of deception and lies, based on the true story that stunned a nation.
Jake McDorman, Le..


主演:维多利亚·贝沃德拉,Ron Nummi,安德里亚·龙卡多,塞伦娜·格兰蒂,西蒙娜·博利沃尼,塞雷娜·本纳托,Alessia Franchini,山内春彦
简介:  Luigi is engaged to Cinzia, he has a good job and his life runs quietly. But unexpectedly his cousin Sonia knocks at his door. She lived in Venezuela with her parents but they have disappeared and she came back to Italy. She is very young and beautiful and once she loved Luigi. What is he to do?
维多利亚·贝沃德拉,Ron Num..


主演:约翰尼·德普,麦温,梅尔维尔·珀波,皮埃尔·里夏尔,帕斯卡尔·格雷戈里,诺埃米·洛夫斯基,本杰明·拉维赫尼,玛丽安娜·巴斯莱,英迪亚·海尔,David Decraene,Luna Carpiaux,Edouard Michelon,Thibault Bonenfant,Alexandre Styker
简介:  年轻的工人阶级女性珍妮·沃伯尼尔(麦温 饰)渴望文化和快乐,用她的智慧和魅力逐步爬上社会阶梯。她成为国王路易十五(约翰尼·德普 饰)的宠儿,路易十五并不知道她的妓女身份,通过她重拾了对生活的渴望,他们疯狂地坠入爱河。珍妮违背所有礼仪和礼节搬到凡尔赛宫,她的到来在宫廷中 引起了轩然大波……


主演:波利斯·席克,马里安·杰奇茨,Magdalena Czerwinska
简介:  佩威尔是一个30来岁的男人,他和父亲齐格蒙特一起做着从法国北部贩卖二手服装到波兰的生意过活。  在一次从平常的“公差”的回程的路上,佩威尔看到自己父亲的照片被印在了波兰当地的小报纸上,名字下面写着“叛国贼”。齐格蒙特当年是一个天才般的反对派领袖,曾经在80年代组织过对独裁ZF的反对行动。可是现在,他的头像和名字却被冠以了叛国者的名字,而且那张有意境垮台的共产主义者掌权的小报还报道说,齐格蒙特是一个可耻的告密者,代号叫做“鼹鼠”。  在今天的波兰,虽然有着20年的民主化进程,但是齐格蒙特的故事还是引起了不小的波澜。报道指出,齐格蒙特当年领导的运动害死了不少矿主,而他的老婆伊娃的父亲,就死在当年的运动中。佩威尔坚信这是反对他父亲的人的无中生有之事,但是齐格蒙特很多反常的举动让佩威尔不得不对自己父亲的过去产生很多疑虑。事情波及到了这一家人,齐格蒙特前往法国北部,找到自己的堂兄,希望事情能“风平浪静”。  佩威尔的生活被搅得天翻地覆。他平时是一个对政治不感兴趣的人,可是这次他却成为了众矢之的,变成了一个国家的政治争论的焦点。齐格蒙特还呆在法国北部,而波兰确认为是佩威尔把父亲藏匿了起来,他与母亲伊娃的关系也不可避免地受到了影响。  加贝克,当年【该用户发言已被安全软件自动屏蔽】的秘密警察,也参与了反对行动。他知道齐格蒙特在当年做了什么,可是他不愿意开口,因为这些事情无论对于齐格蒙特、佩威尔还是波兰这个命运多舛的国家来说,都是难以接受的。  Pawel, a young man who grew up thinking that his father was a hero of the Solidarity revolt of the 1980s, is shocked to read a newspaper exposé accusing the man of having been a Communist informer. Pawel's wife happens to be the daughter of a miner killed during the Solidarity protests and his marriage suffers. He doesn't know whom to believe. A former Communist secret policeman may have some answers, but will anyone listen?


主演:杰克·吉伦哈尔,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,梅丽尔·斯特里普,艾伦·阿金,彼得·萨斯加德,奥玛尔·梅特瓦利,艾格尔·纳尔,哈达尔·拉特松·罗滕,J·K·西蒙斯,西蒙·阿布卡瑞安,莫阿·库阿斯,奇内布·乌凯什,阿拉米斯·奈特,Rosie Malek-Yonan,穆尼尔·马戈姆,鲍勃·冈顿,雷曼德·阿萨雷米,Wendy Phillips,Christian Martin,哈萨姆·甘西,纳吉布·尼西里,芭妮·里维拉
简介:  埃及裔美国人安瓦•艾尔•伊布拉西米(奥玛尔•梅特瓦利 饰)大约二十年前,从埃及移民到了美国,与漂亮的美国姑娘伊莎贝拉•菲尔兹(莉丝•维瑟斯彭 饰)成了家,夫妻恩爱生活美满,育有一子,伊莎贝拉肚子里的第二胎也日渐成型。  某日,安瓦•艾尔•伊布拉西米从南非出差回来,在华盛顿机场被神秘的黑衣人带走,原因是中央情报局认为身为化学品工程师的安瓦•艾尔•伊布拉西米是恐怖分子,想从他口中撬出有用的情报。倒霉的安瓦被“引渡”至埃及的开罗,交由驻扎在当地的中情局探员道格拉斯•弗里曼(杰克•吉伦哈尔 饰)和老奸巨猾的当地探员审讯。  另一方面,身怀六甲的伊莎贝拉,坚信丈夫是无辜的,四下奔走,努力寻找丈夫的下落。期间,她虽然幸运地获得旧情人(彼得•萨斯加德 饰)的帮助,但终究不足以国家强势机构对抗,一筹莫展。  与此同时,刚刚入行不久的特工道格拉斯•弗里曼,在目睹了CIA同事们对安瓦进行的非人道审讯时,也面临着良心的拷问。  安瓦是不是恐怖分子?伊莎贝拉能否和丈夫团圆?中情局新手道格拉斯•弗里曼,究竟在这场暗战中发挥了怎样的作用?对这一切疑问的解答,必将引向对“引渡”政策的重新审视。


主演:Alexandra Gottardo,Fandy Christian,Dwi Sasono,Kiki Narendra,Ena Pasaribu,Putra Dinata,卜提·阿尤蒂雅,Totos Rasiti,Abirama Putra A.,Adinda Breton,Samuel Panjaitan,Bimasena Prisai Susilo,海达尔·萨利什,Sarah Felicia,
Alexandra Gottard..