



简介:  故事发生在二次世界大战刚刚结束之际,德国在战争中败落,大部分德军沦为战俘,被送入了战俘营中。在位于列宁格勒近郊的一间战俘营中,新来了一批德国战俘,负责看守他们的是一群英姿飒爽的俄国女人,她们的直系上司是巴普洛夫将军(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)。  娜塔莉亚(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)是一名军医,她的丈夫因为在战争中受惊过度而精神失常,为了保护丈夫,娜塔莉亚不得不答应巴普洛夫将军的要求,来到战俘营,试图找出隐藏在俘虏之中的党卫军战犯。在这所阴森恐怖的战俘营中,无论是守卫还是囚犯,其身心都收到了战争所带来的深深的创伤,随着时间的推移,两方人马的立场和关系开始渐渐变得微妙起来。


简介:  本片改编自一个古典的捷克传说:一个钟表匠杰米和他那爱嫉妒的朋友——一只调皮的山羊的故事。他们俩冒险去救布拉格的巨大时钟和杰米的爱人,她被一股试图阻止钟表成形的邪恶力量所控制。


主演:施特法妮·施塔彭贝克,马库斯·米特梅尔,让-伊夫·贝特鲁,Fiona Schwartz,马丁·拉波德,Michaela Rosen,Marouo Bro Richmond,彼得·普拉格,安妮特·雷恩伯格,Christoph Tomanek,Cheryl Shepard
简介:  圣诞节的家庭聚会上,年轻情侣斯特凡和海科向父母宣布他们购买了一艘船,决定环游世界。他们一路欢声笑语,领略各地风光。然而当他们来到玻里尼西亚后,美好的一切戛然而止。斯特凡跟随一位名叫阿里哈诺的当地男人狩猎未归。海科从阿里哈诺口中得知爱人受伤,匆忙随他前去,结果险些被他奸杀。逃出生天的海科求助警方寻找斯特凡。警方在多日调查后发现斯特凡已被肢解后焚烧,而阿里哈诺不见踪迹。看到爱人已被烧成一片灰烬的海科心痛不已,决定不再继续航行。刚刚回到家中的她便被铺天盖地的记者包围,众人都希望获悉斯特凡死亡真相。在母亲和姐姐的陪伴下,海科试着抚平心中的创伤,并且决定接受汉堡新闻记者哈特曼的采访道出真相。这时,玻里尼西亚的警官也为海科带来好消息,阿里哈诺被捕。在哈特曼的陪同下,海科见到了沉默不语也拒不认罪的阿里哈诺。但证据确凿,哈里哈诺被判28年有期徒刑。阿里哈诺的父亲为表歉意,邀请海科参加专门为斯特凡举行的告别仪式。海科决定暂时留在玻里尼西亚缅怀爱人。后来,她带着自己写下的书《蓝水-天堂梦魇》回到德国。


主演:伊娃·哈伯曼,海诺·费尔希,克里斯托夫·玛丽亚·赫布斯特,扬·约瑟夫·利费斯,爱丝特斯维恩斯,Rouven Blessing,卡琳·C·蒂策,约瑟夫·汉内施莱格,托马斯·弗里斯奇,莱奥妮·特佩,‎奥利弗·卡尔科夫‎,Lilian Prent,Sophie Adell,尼娜·沃布罗特,Nadine Wrietz
简介:  Mara Lorbeer, a fifteen year old girl, finds out that she has to save the world because the Norse god Loki is threatening to break free of his chains.


主演:Kamila Bujalska,Franciszek Dziduch,Ewa Gorzelak,Mikolaj Grabowski,Peter Jakubow,Piotr Janusz,Bogdan Kalus,托马斯·卡罗拉克,Maciej Makowski,沃伊切赫·麦克瓦尔达斯基,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦齐维兹,Jakub Wróblewski,Marcin Zarzeczny
简介:  丹尼斯·卡伟罗在父亲去世后留下的遗物中发现了爷爷黑罗尼姆的日记,上面记载着爷爷在二战中发现了一处宝藏并成为欧洲首富,宝藏的线索就在当地博物馆展出的爷爷的马靴中。他带着侄子科内尔、侄子的两个好友麦克斯和塞浦里安以及半路加入的孩子们的保姆一同踏上了寻宝之旅。与此同时,得到宝藏消息的两个盗贼也跟着他们一起上路。追寻着日记中留下的线索,他们锁定了老家普乌图斯克的旧房子,而历经波折他们才发现靴子正跟着丹尼斯另一个侄子罗琦在巡演。两个盗贼得到消息后抢先得到靴子,但靴子中的线索却阴差阳错地被烧毁。就在大家绝望的关头,麦克斯找到了线索,大家重新燃起寻宝斗志,终于找到藏宝图中的那棵大树。众人发现所谓的宝藏只是树干上刻着的爷爷奶奶的名字。经过一番思索,他们终于明白黑罗尼姆爷爷留给家族宝藏的真正含义:经历战争磨砺的爱情和幸福的家庭是这个世界上最宝贵的财富。
Kamila Bujalska,F..


主演:卢克·纽伯里,汤姆·普赖尔 Tom Prior,吉娜维芙·冈特,伊恩·格雷,伊恩·哈特,莱斯利·夏普,Lee Ross,本·巴特
简介:  Autumn 1977. Derek Springfield is an 18-year-old misfit, who 5 years earlier was plucked from his home in the industrial outskirts of Leeds to attend Public School on a scholarship. He has just returned home at the end of his studies to await his Oxbridge results that he's hoping will result in his permanent escape. Life at home is awkward for the brainy lad and embarrassing for his working class family who can't relate: his feckless dad, no-nonsense mum and two older brothers, one a football hopeful and the other a distinctly dodgy acquirer of flash consumer goods.  Derek kills time by walking a no hope greyhound, Slapper, and loving out-of-his league Chrissie from afar. But under Derek's loving care Slapper gets faster - so fast she's stolen for her racing potential. Derek despairs at being completely alone once more but Chrissie gets the local community to keep watch. Slapper eventually escapes from her furious captors at an illegal flapper track. Exhausted, she somehow finds her way back and is reunited with Derek who tries to nurse her back to health his bedroom without his family finding out.  Derek, Chrissie and Slapper disguise themselves to avoid the dognappers and try their luck at racing her at a proper dog track. The dognappers and all the Springfields converge on the stadium for the exciting climax.  Its also the day Derek's results are due...
卢克·纽伯里,汤姆·普赖尔 Tom..


主演:费莉西塔斯·沃尔,Renato Schuch,Therese Hämer,维达·伊瑞辛,约翰内斯·齐尔纳,Isabel Ruth,Cristovão Campos,Rita Martins,Tomé Ferreira,特丽莎·马德鲁加,Guilherme Filipe,Laura Frederico,Pedro Hossi,Pedro Linares,布鲁诺·希亚帕
简介:  讲述了一对夫妻由一见钟情,到由于婚姻琐事争吵、直到形同陌路即将离婚的故事。这是Luis和Eva初见后的第11年。他们深爱、结婚、生子,而现在,在去往法院的路上,这是他们离婚前最后一次面对面。去法院的路途显得很长,他们回忆起造成这一心碎结局的种种过往…  那年在里斯本,他们初遇,一见钟情。回到德国的Eva再难忘记Luis,于是她与男友分手,孤身去葡萄牙寻找Luis。两人再见面时,爱情的花火就此绽放。但有时候,美好的开始并不意味着欢喜的结局。
费莉西塔斯·沃尔,Renato S..


主演:乔尔·考特尼,保罗·约翰逊,巴斯鲁藤,Raleigh Cain,Tommy Cash
简介:  Diz (Joel Courtney) is a reckless teenage drifter living life on the run. Abandoned by his parents as a child, he looks out for himself and doesn't accept handouts. He takes whatever he wants and runs. Jaded and determined to answer to no one, Diz lives a life marked by thievery and abandonment. Things change for Diz when he floats into a small town on the Snake River. There he is confronted by an unflappable old man named Marty and falls for Marty's guarded granddaughter, Selah. When Diz robs a local drug-dealing crazy, he becomes the owner of a giant pile of cash and the target of two vicious killers. With more money than he knows what to do with, and criminals at his heels, Diz puts the people he's learned to care about in danger, still trying to win Selah. But some things can't be stolen or bought. The River Thief is a film about guilt, self-sacrifice, and accepting life as a gift.


主演:Peyton Kennedy,理查德·希夫,琦普·帕杜,玛茜·米勒,加文·麦克因托什,祖雷克哈·罗宾逊,Charlie Babbo,Spencer Moss,拉丝蒂·休默,Megan Renner Rieck,特丽莎缇莉,Karen Woditsch,Michael Collins,Liz Cloud,Spencer Tomich
简介:  When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her beloved father is hiding a wealthy man in her family's silo in order to save their struggling farm, she is forced to choose between saving the man's life or protecting her family from the consequences of their actions. AMERICAN FABLE is a fairytale thriller set in the 1980s rural Midwest about a courageous girl living in a dark - sometimes magical - world.
Peyton Kennedy,理查..


主演:Drake Bell,约瑟夫·劳伦斯,Jennifer Taylor
简介:  七岁的小女孩有了一位叫Arlo的新朋友:一只有思想喜欢打嗝的小猪。
Drake Bell,约瑟夫·劳伦..