



简介:  頗富科學天賦的 11 歲男孩吉姆,隨著他的天體物理學家爸爸葛蘭搬入了新社區展開生活。剛踏入學校的第一天,狀況外的他和敏感且低調的女孩艾瑪意外組隊,準備參加學校的科學實驗競賽。天馬行空的吉姆以「建造漂浮氣球騰空計畫」說服了原本只想研究哈姆太郎的艾瑪,兩人便以森林中的穀倉為秘密基地,嘗試建造一座可以帶他們離開地表、享受自由的漂浮氣球。吉姆在爸爸的耳濡目染下,對地球外的空間深深著迷,有個太空夢的他,毅然決然地將艾瑪帶入冒險旅程。然而,過程中卻充滿了驚險與意外,他們的計畫究竟能不能成功呢?  本片以多種復古繽紛影像組成:八〇年代的鮮豔暖色調、傳統電視的火箭發射畫面、方正有雜訊的類比攝影機畫面,參雜了男孩夢想中的異世界幻想。巧妙的聲音設計,搭配太空感十足的電子樂於兩側聲道滑順切換,音畫精彩交融,帶領觀眾進入一段少年冒險。


主演:艾丽·范宁,贾斯蒂斯·史密斯,科甘-迈克尔·凯,亚历山德拉·希普,维吉尼亚·加德纳,卢克·威尔逊,妮可·福斯特,费利克斯·马拉德,拉马尔·约翰逊,王明,凯莉·奥哈拉,Sofia Hasmik,Paige Neuenschwander,Jack DeVillers,Andrew Van Camp
简介:  西奥多(贾斯提斯·史密斯 Justice Smith 饰)是一位非常忧伤的年轻人,脑子里整天都徘徊着自我了断的糊涂念头,也有几次,西奥多试图将自杀的想法转变成为现实,但每到这个节骨眼上,总会发生一些事情阻碍西奥多踏进另一个世界的步伐。  维奥莱特(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)的姐姐去世了,和姐姐感情十分要好的维奥莱特陷入了痛苦和抑郁之中。正在念书的她迫不及待的期盼着毕业季的到来,如此一来,她就可以彻底逃离令她感到窒息的印第安纳小镇,逃离姐姐的死带给她的阴影。这样的两个年轻人,一次偶然之中,他们在钟楼上相遇了。西奥多发现,这个可爱率真的女孩能够令自己卸下假面和心房,维奥莱特亦觉得,和西奥多在一起的每分每秒,时间不再那么令她感到难熬。


主演:马龙·白兰度,特瑞沃·霍华德,理查德·哈里斯,休·格里夫斯,理查德·海顿,Tarita Teriipaia,Matahiarii Tama,珀西·赫伯特,Duncan Lamont
简介:  故事主要是围绕一艘名叫邦蒂的船展开。邦蒂于1789年离开波特毛斯港口,前往南美,此次的任务就是前往大溪地某座岛屿,从那里得到一种像面包一样的水果品种,并把它运回英国。故事的主人公弗莱切·克里斯坦是船上的大副。他性格刚烈,很不满威廉姆·布莱斯船长的作风。而船长是一个极度刚愎自用的人,他听不仅下属们的建议和意见,反倒是百般折磨他们,就连喝水都被当作是一种惩罚:如果不服从他,就不给水喝。刚开始大家总是默默忍耐,敢怒不敢言。但是布莱斯船长不仅没有收敛,反而变本加厉地加重处罚措施,最后甚至用鞭子抽打那些犯了错的船员。整艘船上的人都再也无法忍受了。于是在弗莱切·克里斯坦的带领和组织下,他们进行叛变,把船长流放,随后自己在大溪地的一个岛屿上住了一段时间,过着天堂一般的生活。但是毕竟纸包不住火,丑闻最终还是被抖了出来。这些船员们会面临什么样的审判和处罚呢?


主演:弗兰克·威利,詹妮弗·康纳利,德蒙特·莫罗尼,基兰·马尔罗尼,约翰·M·杰克逊,珍妮·奥哈拉,诺布尔·威林厄姆,Nada Despotovich,巴里·柯宾,维布尔·弗利茨杰拉德,丹·奥尔布莱特,Marc Clement,威廉·弗西斯,卢·沃克,Troy Gilbert,罗伊斯·D.阿普勒加特,戴维阿诺特,丽·弗伦奇,Coleby Lombardo,Paige Pollack,Jonathan S
简介:  花言巧语的小镇青年吉姆在百货公司得到一份看门人的工作,在他当班的第一个晚上发现自己与镇上最富有的商人女儿,也是最漂亮的女孩茱茜一同被锁在店铺内。离家出走的茱茜决心要去洛杉机,不过首先还是的把今晚混过。没多久,一种关系就在两人间发展着,仅仅是在小偷闯入时被打断。


主演:Sam Groom,Tom Hallick,弗朗辛·约克,布思·科尔曼,理查德·贝斯哈特,Trish Stewart,沃尔特·布鲁克,帕特里克·卡利顿,多尔特·克拉克,乔恩·锡达,Gil Lamb,Ed Ness,Kathleen Bracken,理查德·韦伯,Victoria Paige Meyerink
简介:  美国爆发xb疫情,科学家束手无策,历史上曾有人治愈过该病,无奈资料被毁,科学家们只得使用时间机器回到过去寻找,不料却遇到了1871芝加哥大火灾。。一部伤感的经典科幻片,正大剧场好像播出过
Sam Groom,Tom Hal..


主演:艾伦·德鲁,Robert Paige,保罗·卢卡斯
简介:  Scot想要从歹徒手中救出妹妹,却遭人陷害,被控谋杀,被处以死刑。一位疯狂科学家把Scot的大脑植入大猩猩体内,Scot以大猩猩的身躯复活,开始他的复仇...
艾伦·德鲁,Robert Paig..


主演:莫茶诺·欣彩萍翩,纳查·佳塔潘,Pumipat paiboon
简介:  ko回家时被妈妈告知,爸爸和新老婆为了还债把房子卖了,导致她们母女俩无家可归。女主只好和妈妈搬到妈妈工作的豪宅里,在这个豪宅里遇到了一个gay里gay气的厨师好闺蜜,还有3个性格迥异帅气迷人少爷。


主演:克里斯蒂娜·巴伦苏埃拉 Cristina Valenzuela,Bryce Papenbrook,Carrie Keranen,Keith Silverstein,马克斯·迈特尔曼,Mela Lee,Jessica Gee-George,格兰特·乔治
简介:  By daylight, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are ordinary teenagers. But unbeknownst to their family and friends, the two of them carry a huge secret...using the powers of magical creatures called Kwami, they transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir! With a mission to protect the city of Paris from the evil Hawk Moth, the two of them must learn to cope with their new responsibilities, as well as ordinary troubles involving love, school, family, and friends. Most of all, they must learn to put their romantic feelings aside in order to perform their duty, unaware of each other's true identities.
克里斯蒂娜·巴伦苏埃拉 Crist..


主演:Kom Chauncheun,อาทิตย์ สมน้อย,Paitoon Pumrat,อาภาภัทร สุขสวัสดิ์ชล
简介:  A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Submitting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive? With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive?
Kom Chauncheun,อา..


主演:帕特里夏·德查诺·古德,普提查·克瑟辛,吉帕侬·克珑卡弗,瓦迪功·朋苏比海伦,拉皮彭·塔帕苏万,尼鲁·西里詹亚,皮萨努·凌沙功,Tao Adisorn Athakrit,Bird Kittitat Pradab,Mintita Wattanakul,Koi Tarika Thidathit,阿帕斯莉·妮缇布恩,Tonhorm Sakuntala Teinpairoj,皮茶帕·潘图慕钦达
简介:  Anyamanee傲慢却内心脆弱,以自我为中心。出生在重男轻女的家庭,使她长期压抑。有天遇见了为人正直善良、无私豁达的Guerkhun。Guerkhun准备给予Anyamanee温暖的爱。因为家庭成员包括兄弟Chanuch的去世,两个人的情路并不顺利。同时由于嫂子Pimrata,Guerkhun成为了嫌疑人。Pimrata是一个温柔甜美的女人,在她的生活中拥有完美的东西。她为离开前任嫁给Anyamanee的哥哥Chanuch而后悔,即使为时已晚,她也想和前任复合。