



主演:Samantha Kerr,Hayley Raso,Stephanie Catley,Australia Women's National Football Team,Mary Fowler,Katrina Gorry
简介:  讲述澳大利亚女子足球队激励人心的幕后故事,看她们为世界杯的付出。
Samantha Kerr,Hay..


主演:凯特·弗利特伍德,伊隆·马斯克,妲露拉·莱莉,梅耶·马斯克,Colette Bridgman,Dolly Singh,George Blankenship,Jim Cantrell,Hans Koenigsmann,Steve Jurvetson,格莱姆斯,Justine Musk,Errol Musk,Douglas Hurley,Mark Stephens
简介:  马斯克为了改变世界所做的事比世上任何人都多。本纪录片访问和他关系最紧密的人,包括他的亲友和敌人,揭示是什么事件令他成为史上最富有的男人。


主演:Garnett Williams
简介:  Massive machines require engineering extremes.  The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as the International Space Station, hurtling around the Earth at 27,600 km an hour, has been a temporary home for humans for the last 20 years. The biggest land vehicle on earth, a bucket excavator titled Bagger 293, that can move 240,000 cubic meters of dirt each day. Innovation has always meant building bigger, faster, taller, longer and stronger than anything that came before. We’ve seen them in dramatic visual fashion. But how do these actually work? What sets each machine apart. What big ideas drove its evolution and what limitations did this machine overcome? What forces was it built to withstand and where is the breaking point? Using CGI and expert insights, we ‘strip down’ the design of some of the world’s unique colossal machines and reveal mechanical secrets that not only made them work, but also changed the world in a big way!  Each episode explores four incredible machines, linked thematically. From sea and space faring designs, to mega airborne, mining and industrial machines, we’ll break down what they can do as well as key inner mechanics and materials that make it all possible. Dynamic archival footage featuring; slow motion, aerials, and time-lapses get us past the ‘caution’ tape and up close and personal with these compound monsters. CGI provides breakouts and blueprints and a look at hidden mechanisms. Adding expertise of structural, mechanical, chemical and forensic engineers to help reveal what’s at stake when these colossal constructions are put work, and how all the pieces come together to make a big impact.  EPISODES:  S1 E1 Sea Monsters  S1 E2 Astronomical Engineering  S1 E3 There Be Dragons  S1 E4 Sub-Zero Supermachines  S1 E5 Earth Biters  S1 E6 Mammoth Manufacturing  
Garnett Williams


主演:伊德里斯·艾尔巴,Ellen van Dijk,Kiki Bosch,Mathieu Noguès,Amy Winters
简介:  节目将带领观众前往世界各地,从鲜为人知的古老运动到众所周知的世界性赛事,发掘这两类运动的共同主题,探索人类运动的起源。探索全球,勾勒一个充满竞技挑战的运动宇宙。用独特的视角,展现当下人类那些小众但依旧鲜活的体育运动,追溯人类与运动间的关系。
伊德里斯·艾尔巴,Ellen va..


主演:Anthony Aguirre,Stephon Alexander,Eugenia Cheng,Moon Duchin,Kenny Easwaran,Delilah Gates,Rebecca Goldstein,Brian Greene,Janna Levin,阿兰·莱特曼,Carlo Rovelli,Steve Strogatz
简介:  杰出的数学家、粒子物理学家和宇宙学家深入探讨“无限”,讲述这个概念对宇宙产生的令人费解的影响
Anthony Aguirre,S..


主演:夏洛特·劳斯,Charles Parselle,Kayla Laws,Kirra Hughes,Brian Calzini,Jeff Kirkpatrick,Mike,Camille Dodero,Destiny Benedict,Wendy Wu,James McGibney,Alex Morris,Reza Sina,Danielle,Cara
简介:  一位执着的母亲决心把女儿的照片从一个报复性色情网站上删除,她在网上发起一场运动,声讨该网站残酷无情的创始人
夏洛特·劳斯,Charles Pa..


主演:弗里达·伯恩哈德,Rosa van Leeuwen,Aisa Winter,莉迪亚·萨多娃,Maksymilian Rudnicki,Yanoah Kronnen,Indy-Rose Kroonen,Djayklin Lima,Fien Lindenhovius,Luke Peters,Heleen Post,洛拉·范·佐格尔
简介:  生活在儿童之家的露,与突然到访的母亲共同踏上了前往波兰外祖母家的旅程,久未谋面的母女将如何度过这段时光?这是一部充满反叛精神的女性公路电影,由荷兰导演扎拉·德温格自编自导,她不仅在主题上解构了传统观念中的母女关系,还在主线故事中跳跃式地剪入大量经典黑白电影与卡通片段,营造出诙谐顽皮的游戏感。片中不少镜头场景致敬了观众耳熟能详的经典好莱坞公路片,能让几代影迷会心一笑。入围2023年柏林国际电影节新生代儿童单元。
弗里达·伯恩哈德,Rosa van..


主演:艾琳·库彭海姆,Daniela Ramírez,Daniel Muñoz
简介:  The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.
艾琳·库彭海姆,Daniela R..


主演:王雅佳,程宇峰,余凯宁 Kaining Yu,程启蒙,娄馨月,王宇
简介:  该剧主要讲述了心理医生宋景丞与“幻想症”病人张一梦在治疗过程中斗智斗勇的故事,这一场场不断反转的戏中戏,到底是互相拆台,还是宿命奔赴?当故事走到结局,他们才能知晓最终的答案。
王雅佳,程宇峰,余凯宁 Kaini..