



主演:蕾蓓尔·威尔森,夏洛特·甘斯布,爱丽丝·洛维,崔娜·蒂虹,梅拉·沙尔,鲁思·马德利,塞林·琼斯,Rachel Adedeji,Joshua Tomkins,Tina Louise Owens,约翰·艾伦·罗伯茨,Maxim Grigorovich,Kate Drew,Kate Crossley,Llifon Ashton
简介:  夏洛特·甘斯布、蕾蓓尔·威尔森将携手主演英国独立制片新作[杏仁体与海马体](The Almond And The Seahorse,暂译)。影片由汤姆·斯特恩(克林特·伊斯特伍德御用摄影师)和塞林·琼斯共同执导,改编自凯特·奥雷利撰写的同名舞台剧剧本,琼斯和奥雷利共同撰写电影剧本。故事围绕着一个考古学家和一个建筑师展开,他们在面对创伤性脑损伤使他们渐渐遗忘所爱之人时,决议发起抗争重新架构自己的未来。影片将于2021年3月在利物浦和北威尔士开机。


主演:克里斯汀·查特莱恩,丹·佩恩,Rebecca Roberts,Nia Cummins,Dalias Blake,Jessie Liang,Ruth Bidner,Roxanne Wong,Victoria Dunsmore
简介:  Hospital physician June Lowe and successful author Rick Lowe have a seemingly perfect marriage, the one sticking point between them being the issue of children. Rick wants June to give up her career so that they can start a family, and while June is not averse to the notion of children, not only does she not want to give up her career but expand into writing herself, she not understanding why Rick couldn't/shouldn't be the primary caregiver anyway in already working from home. In the process, June feels like Rick totally dismisses her feelings. When Rick receives a blackmail letter for something he totally denies as truth, June gets implicated in a double homicide. June quickly realizes that Rick is trying to frame her, he the actual murderer. As June needs to evade both Rick and the police and has no one to confide in, including her generally loving sister Maggie Porter who believes the accusations of she being a murderer, June not only has to discover why Rick killed the two victims but why he is trying to frame her. When she believes she's discovered what's going on, June enters a dangerous cat and mouse game with Rick, it not always clear who is the cat and who is the mouse.—Huggo


主演:奈杰尔·哈曼,Dexter Fletcher,Anna Wilson-Jones,Emma Pierson,Martin Marquez,Ray Coulthard,Alexandra Moen,Michael Obiora,Danira Govic
简介:  Welcome to the official fan page for Hotel Babylon series 4! Check in here for the latest news, gossip and exclusive content courtesy of Carnival Film & Television Ltd. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay, and come back again soon - we’ll be posting exclusive new clips, photos and updates weekly, because whether you’re first-time visitor to Hotel Babylon or a regular guest, all our fans deserve five star treatment.  The big news is Nigel Harman is Hotel Babylon’s new star this year. He plays Sam Franklin, a sexy suave and impulsive businessman, joining all your favourite returning characters; Anna, Tony, Gino, James, Ben, Emily and Tanya in the hit BBC One show which takes a tantalizing and seductive insight into the sexy world of the luxury five-star hotel industry.  Hotel Babylon lifts the lid on the service industry. When people are paying upwards of three hundred pounds a night for a room, they’re prepared to leave real life at the door and play as hard as they want. Film directors rub shoulders with con-artists, child stars mingle with business billionaires and food gurus chat with glitterati. Weddings and Valentine’s Day, fashion shows and film shoots all combine to produce a heady, hedonistic cocktail where anything can, and does, happen.  
奈杰尔·哈曼,Dexter Fle..


主演:米洛斯·比柯维奇,Miodrag Radonjic,德拉甘·比耶洛格利奇,内博伊沙·格洛戈瓦茨,米洛斯·蒂莫蒂杰维奇,Jovana Stojiljkovic,斯尔詹·托多罗维奇,波格丹·迪格里克,克里斯多·夏帕夫,Ivaylo Zahariev,亚力克斯桑德·贝奇科,丹尼兹·阿布杜拉,米洛什·佩特洛维奇,Milan Nikitovic
简介:  马拉斯表面上是一家车行的修车工,但暗地里却做着偷车的营生。一次他在外出工作时自做主张偷了一辆黑色奔驰车,却发现自己无意中卷入了一场地下毒品交易和谋杀案中,因而遭到了警察局长斯图帕尔和黑帮头目戈卢布的双重追击。为了不牵连家人,马拉斯只能投靠与黑帮有勾结的斯图帕尔,从此踏上了一条命运未知的道路。
米洛斯·比柯维奇,Miodrag ..


简介:  三年以来,我们见证着Betty的成长:她从一个什么都 不懂的小助理,成长为Mode的编辑。她从令Daniel烦厌的小 卒,成长为Danile最得力的助手和最贴心的朋友。她从一个自卑的小女孩,成长为有主见的职业女性。坚韧,也终于迎来了出头天。在上一季中, Betty终于如愿以偿得到了自己梦寐以求的编辑工作,但是 令她意想不到的是,前男友Matt居然成为了她的新上司。 Daniel的事业迎来了新高峰,但是却失去了他挚爱的77mi.ccMolly 。在Wilhelmina试图寻找Connor的同时,一个神秘人出现在 她房间,令她大吃一惊。Marc没有得到编辑的职位,沮丧无 比。这一切都为我们留下来一连串的悬念。 踏上新的工作岗位,Betty能否胜任?她又将怎样面对 自己的新上司兼前男友Matt?Daniel失去了挚爱的Molly, 又将何去何从?


主演:Eddie Murphy,Charles Dance,Victor Wong
简介:  故事开始于遥远而又神秘的西藏,一个小男孩出生了,在预言中,这个男孩拥有非常强大的力量,而将光明带到这个世界上,横扫黑暗,是他一出生就背负的使命。当然,小男孩的存在最终还是被一帮邪恶的势力发现了,以撒陀魔为首的邪恶势力绑架了这个男孩。失去了男孩的庇佑,整个地球都被置于了危险的境地之中。  男主角(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)是一个在洛杉矶上班的平凡职员,一次偶然中被先知告知,他被选中成为了拯救小男孩的勇者。他在功夫女郎姬(J·L·列阿特 J.L. Reate 饰)的帮助下,男主角开始学习各种技能,并且踏上了前往东方的旅途。
Eddie Murphy,Char..


主演:Daumantas Ciunis,Valentinas Masalskis,Sigitas Rackys,Petras Simonis,Remigijus Vilkaitis,Sarunas Zenkevicius
简介:  入围2020年威尼斯电影节影评人周单元  A blue screen informs that war has begun. What will be needed? Collect the men, find guns, or maybe someone will give them. We need a location, a country where the war would take place. No problem, the Colonel is a real pro, he has caused wars to order, or on orders, on multiple occasions in different countries. Now his followers have grown up and caused a war in his country. He doesn’t want to, but he has to fight. He is old and tired of war. He wants to be at the table with a steaming pot of tasty mutton ribs and stare at an innocent TV screen with the news on, and the dressed-up news reporter announces that the war has begun.
Daumantas Ciunis,..


主演:托马斯·列农,珍妮·佩利塞尔,内尔森·富兰克林,查琳·易,迈克尔·帕尔,芭芭拉·克兰普顿,乌多·基尔,Alex Beh,马蒂亚斯·休斯,Skeeta Jenkins,Anne Beyer,Victoria Hande,Betsy Holt,小詹姆斯·希利,Laurie Guzda,Trey Walpole,Grace Montie,Cameron Rostami,史蒂芬·布罗迪,蒂娜·帕克,Ali
简介:  讲述漫画家Edgar在离婚后搬回家与父母同住,在他哥哥以前的房间里发现了一个魔偶,他于是动心想去纪念Toulon谋杀3 0周年的集会上卖掉它。当他和新女友Ashley一起到达后,发现并不是只有他们想卖掉木偶,所有的木偶都活了过来,步步紧逼,向那些少数名族下手。 虽然属于魔偶系列,这部至小帝国却和1968年的《活死人之夜》很类似,在室内如一家小旅馆里展开情节,游客和住户必须群起而攻之。Edgar的独白告诉观众,为什么Toulon要设计这些木偶,他们很小,却极易在最不可能的情况下击垮你。  影片让我们真实面对来自现实世界的恐惧,还构建了一个虚拟架构,让观众能置身在自己幻想的暴力世界里。


主演:Vicky Dawson,Christopher Goutman
简介:  1945年6月28日,某大学毕业舞会,男青年罗伊(Timothy Wahrer 饰)和他的女友弗兰西丝•罗斯玛丽•凯瑟姆(Joy Glaccum 饰)被人残忍杀害,凶手始终下落不明。弗兰西丝身为校领导的父亲(Lawrence Tierney 饰)伤心过度,从此禁止举行任何形式的庆祝舞会。  时间转瞬即逝,转眼来到1980年。35年前的惨案除了当事人外早已为其他人淡忘,以帕姆(Vicky Dawson 饰)为首的一群年轻人难耐寂寞,他们决定将挺办数十年的毕业舞会带回校园。经过一番努力,年轻人们最终如愿以偿,而当他们陶醉在轻歌曼舞中之时,似乎当年那个神秘的杀手也回到了青年们的中间……
Vicky Dawson,Chri..


主演:汤姆·克鲁斯,小库珀·古丁,蕾妮·齐薇格,凯利·普雷斯顿,杰瑞·奥康奈尔,杰·摩尔,邦尼·亨特,雷吉娜·金,乔纳森·利普尼基,托德·路易斯,马克·佩灵顿,杰里米·苏莱泽,Jann Wenner,Nada Despotovich,亚利桑德拉·温特沃斯,Aries Spears,温妮·霍尔兹曼,苏珊·诺弗利特,海登·瓦尔希,格伦·弗雷,唐纳尔·罗格,汤姆·加洛普,安吉拉·戈塔尔斯,Rick Johns
简介:  杰里(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise饰)待人和善,仪表不凡,是个出色的体育界经纪人。也许连天都妒嫉这个完美的男人,决定给他一个打击,杰里因为一篇流畅出色的发言稿而招来上司不满,导致被炒鱿鱼。漂亮女友离他而去,职业前景也陷入一片迷茫,从巅峰跌入谷底的杰克在临走前奋起疾呼,动员同事们跟他离开公司一起创业。结果,杰克只带走了一条鱼,还有愿意和他干一番事业的会计多萝西(芮妮·齐薇格 Renée Zellweger饰)。  现在,杰克的客户只剩下一名二流的黑人橄榄球员罗德(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr饰)。万事开头难,杰克和多萝西还没有完全搞清楚要如何开始创业生涯。看来,要想迎来事业的第二春,杰克还要狠狠摸爬滚打一番;也正是在逆境中,他得以实践自己的职业信念,并寻获一生中的最爱。