



主演:Michelle Girolami,Nader Boussandel,Scott Broughton
简介:  Sarah, a struggling young woman living in Brooklyn, agrees to volunteer as an experimental subject for a pharmaceutical company called Dynamic Health Cure to be the bearer of LEXX and make money to solve her financial troubles and take care of her mother who has Alzheimer's. A nano chip is planted into her cerebral cortex and designed to take control of the body in order to contain diseases as soon as they occur. But when the implant with artificial intelligence turns sinister and orders her to commit crimes, Sarah is plunged into a murderous spiral with only one choice: to live or die.
Michelle Girolami..


主演:Mike Jimerson,Amrita Dhaliwal,Victoria Nugent,Ross Magyar,Bassam Abdelfattah,Emily Marso,Mark Pracht
简介:  一對生活極有品味的夫婦邀來三五好友,男主人戴夫打算大顯身手,為大家準備一場精緻的晚宴。隨著夜幕降臨,怪事開始發生。不速之客一個接著一個出現,一位電工自稱是安妮的朋友登門而來,可是隨後到來的安妮並不認識這位電工。還有一名自稱哲學教授的法國人也不請自來,浪漫的法國口音讓女客們為之傾倒,貝絲、安妮都莫名跟他上了床,怎料完事之後,法國口音不見了,這讓安妮頓感受騙。哲學教授反指安妮所屬的非營利組織「無國界瑜珈士」,戰亂之下的人民最不需要的就是瑜珈!當派對陷入暴力、離奇的性行為和荒謬的境地時,安妮在浴室發現了一具屍體,眾人開始懷疑他媽的烤箱裡到底是什麼肉……
Mike Jimerson,Amr..


主演:西德妮·斯威尼,贾斯蒂斯·史密斯,本·哈迪,刘承羽,凯瑟琳·金·索,Cait Alexander,Caitlyn Sponheimer,Daniel Grogan,Madelline Harvey,Sarah Donna,Noah Parker,Emily Shelton,Blessing Adedijo,Jillian Harris,Jimmy Caspeur
简介:  皮帕和托马斯搬进了他们梦寐以求的公寓,他们注意到他们的窗户正对着对面的公寓——邀请他们亲眼目睹街对面这对迷人夫妇的不稳定关系。但当他们试图以匿名方式介入他们的生活时,他们不知不觉地引发了一系列将导致灾难的事件。


主演:罗根·马歇尔-格林,芙蕾达·平托,罗伯特·约翰·伯克,萨拉·明妮奇,Mark Sivertsen,哈耶斯·哈格罗夫,Bonita King,Yvette Fazio-Delaney,Megan Elisabeth Kelly,克林特·奥本钦,David DeLao,Brandon Root,Josh Horton
简介:  一对夫妇搬到小镇居住,有人擅自闯入他们的家。妻子自此疑神疑鬼,似乎身边所有人都是另有图谋。


主演:Malin Levanon,韦勒·维坦恩,亨里克·多尔辛
简介:  Jennifer’s claim of having been raped by a classmate lies heavily on this idyllic village in the Swedish provinces. In chilling images, the director portrays how this fourteen-year-old and her family are brutally shunned by the close-knit community.
Malin Levanon,韦勒·..


主演:Harry DeLeyer,Harriet DeLeyer,Andre DeLeyer,Marty DeLeyer,Willy DeLeyer,George H. Morris,Peter Doubleday,Rodney Jenkins,Lolly Clarke,Jackie Bitner,Phebe Phillips Byrne,Tom Haney,Dana Rampy
简介:  Dutch immigrant, Harry deLeyer, journeyed to the United States after World War II and developed a transformative relationship with a broken down Amish plow horse he rescued off a slaughter truck bound for the glue factory. Harry paid eighty dollars for the horse and named him Snowman. In less than two years, Harry & Snowman went on to win the triple crown of show jumping, beating the nations blue bloods and they became famous and traveled around the world together. Their chance meeting at a Pennsylvania horse auction saved them both and crafted a friendship that lasted a lifetime. Eighty-six year old Harry tells their Cinderella love story firsthand, as he continues to train on today's show jumping circuit.
Harry DeLeyer,Har..


主演:纳维德·内加班,David Diaan,Viss Elliot Safavi
简介:  Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. Moti's mother Sarah tries to reconcile between the two, while his grandfather pushes Yitzhak to take a firm hand with his son. Yitzhak takes Moti's refusal to work in the turkey barn as a personal rejection. Though he loves his son dearly, he makes it his mission to impose the family farm on Moti. The arrival of Darius, the uncle from America, sets off a chain of events that will undermine the familial harmony. Soon enough Yitzhak will learn that his son is just as stubborn as he is. The conflict is inevitable. Written by Yuval Delshad
纳维德·内加班,David Dia..


主演:埃米利安·奥普雷亚,米哈伊·康斯坦丁,安德烈娅·瓦西里,丹·康德里奇,利维乌·平提里亚萨,Mihai Smarandache,Alin Florea,Lucretia Mandric,Sore Mihalache,罗努特·卡拉斯,Virgil Ogasanu,马达丽娜·西奥提亚,Olga Delia Mateescu,Camelia Maxim,乔治·雷米斯,米莉亚姆·里泽亚,斯特凡·鲁普,安迪·
简介:  克里斯蒂安·潘德罗是一名年轻的大学讲师,同时也是一名炙手可热的检察官,为了快速晋升,他的老板正在培训他。潘德罗是一起复杂的腐败案件的职业跳板,案件的被告是博格丹·莱卡(阿林·弗洛里亚饰),他是一名检察官,之前曾参与对著名政治王朝的走私指控。但他很快就对此案产生了怀疑,怀疑自己被用作安全部门和不诚实的政府内部人士精心策划的一场阴暗权力游戏的棋子。  潘德罗是一个有着强烈道德信念的理想主义者,但同时也是一个冷酷的花花公子,他欺骗他的伴侣朵拉(安德烈娅·瓦西里饰)和他的女学生。当他原则上从莱卡的案子中退出时,他被冻结了工作,受到捏造的刑事指控的打击,还受到威胁,含糊不清地威胁要敲诈他丰富多彩的私生活。由于偏执,他怀疑身边的每个人都是间谍或叛徒。他反对不公正的唯一立场可悲地结束了。


主演:Lucas Quintana,马丁·辛,杰奎琳·杜普雷,Aris Mejias,Hiram Delgado,豪尔赫·路易斯·拉莫斯,Marian Pabon,Elia Enid Cadilla,桑娴·洛格罗诺,Julio Ramos Velez,Leslie Van Zandt,Marisé Alvarez,Leonardo Castro,Eugenio Monclova
简介:  Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
Lucas Quintana,马丁..


主演:瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃,西尔万·马赛尔,丹妮埃尔·菲肖,罗克·拉福蒂纳,Antoine Vézina,Pascale Desrochers,Jean-Noël Brouté,Victoria Sio,索尼娅·瓦尚,Alain Zouvi,马克·贝兰德,Christian Bordeleau,伊夫·雅克,Jennie Anne Walker,Michel Laliberté
简介:  法国独立制片公司Gaumont将拍一部关于席琳·迪翁的电影《爱的力量》(The Power of Love),成本2300万美元,影片将会出现多首迪翁的经典歌曲,包括“All by Myself”、“My Heart Will Go On”、“I’m Alive”等。  瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃(《巴黎淘气帮》《五月傻瓜》)执导,她也将饰演迪翁。影片记录迪翁从60年代在魁北克出生、成长,到十几岁时声名鹊起,再到她与经纪人、丈夫Rene Angelil以及家人的关系。法国2020年12月2日上映。