



主演:Jeremy Slate,Cheryl Lawson,Stephen Gregory Foster
简介:  邪恶的雷米博士在拜万迪精神病医院的地下私自创建了一个人体实验室,虽被塞文教授发现阻止了他的阴谋,但事情并没有结束。雷米的冤魂仍在附近徘徊,伺机反扑人间……20年后,一名神秘女孩被送往这个精神病院,同时她的到来也引起了雷米亡灵的注意。在女孩经过一系列恐怖怪异的事件后才知道,她是打开医院地下“地狱之门”的关键“钥匙”,雷米企图用她来达成邪恶的愿望。终于,大批恐怖的地狱活死人涌向人间,展开了一场血腥的大屠杀……
Jeremy Slate,Cher..


主演:Magaye Niang,Mareme Niang,Christoph Colomb,Mustapha Ture,Aminata Fall,Ousseynou Diop,Fernand Dalfin,Al Demba,Dieynaba Dieng,Assane Faye,Robbie Lawson,Magoné N'Diaye,Alio N'Diaye,Apsa
简介:  两个爱挖苦人的年轻人遭到退学的处分,无所事事,到处招摇撞骗,目的只是为了到巴黎过豪华奢侈的生活。Mouri在一家屠宰场工作,他在自己的摩托车的手把上安装了两只公牛角。Anta,他的女伴,从事政治工作。这两个好朋友骑车四处闲逛和路人搭讪,他们认为,凡是法国来的莫不是“白种女人和性病”。他们假造证据,诬陷一个迷恋Mouri的有钱胖子。后来两人全身脱得精光,赤裸裸地坐在胖子的车中,高举拳头,发表嘲讽性的政治演说……
Magaye Niang,Mare..


主演:David Attenborough,Douglas A. Lawson
简介:  For thousands of years, humans have believed that there were once flying monsters. But did they really exist beyond our nightmares? 220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters, David Attenborough the worlds leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane. Attenborough works with scientists to understand the incredible story of the evolution of the pterosaurs, a story that unfolds in such stunning locations as New Mexico, the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis in Britain, an ancient pterosaur landing site in Southern France and a fossil pit in Germany where near perfect pterosaur specimens have been found. The central question and one of the greatest mysteries in palaeontology is: how and why did pterosaurs fly? How did lizards the size of giraffes defy gravity and soar through prehistoric skies? Driven by the information he finds as he attempts to answer these questions, Attenborough starts to unravel one of sciences more enduring mysteries, discovering that the marvel of pterosaur flight has evolutionary echoes that resonate even today. Flying Monsters is a groundbreaking film that uses cutting-edge 3D technology and CGI to bring the story of giant flying monsters and their prehistoric world to life. Audiences of all ages will be in awe as they enter the world and experience, as never before, REAL Flying Monsters in HD.
David Attenboroug..


主演:Kristin Anin,Tonya Lawson,Amy Weber
简介:  邪恶女王复活,附身一个美国女孩,专门勾引男人吸血,再喂住在镜子中的邪恶女王
Kristin Anin,Tony..


主演:克里斯·贝尔,Rachel Warren,艾维安娜·斯诺
简介:  One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings start again, he unwittingly finds himself at the center of a new mystery. Has the "Ripper" returned, or is it a copycat killer? Or something else entirely?
克里斯·贝尔,Rachel War..


主演:叶林·韩,露西·巴雷特,艾莎·迪伊,Daniel Monks,汉娜·巴洛,Victoria Hopkins,瑞安·帕尼萨,Alea O'Shea,Emily De Margheriti,Darcie Irwin-Simpson,Jared Jekyll,Adam McMahon,肖恩·马丁代尔,Shannon Lawson,Melissa Brownlow
简介:  Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered


主演:拉菲·斯波,Zahra Newman,钱信伊,德娜·卡普兰,诺妮·哈泽赫斯,约什·劳森,Cheyenne Gunn,Amelia Scurrah,Genevieve Vasdeva,Jordan Lawson
简介:  如果生活快转,你会活得更精彩吗?  2021年开春最快闪爱情喜剧,让你看完后不仅快乐过一年,还能翻转思想重获新生!  ★继【命运好好玩】后 改变命运的时光旅行超展开★  ★宛如【真爱每一天】般 感动又好笑的人生之旅★  ★【真相急先锋】製作团队携手打造★  泰迪是一个典型喜欢拖拖拉拉的人,就连追求梦想也是。  在他办完婚礼之后,生命送了他一份大礼,也可能是一个诅咒?! 在婚礼的第二天醒来,泰迪发现每隔几分钟,他的人生就会快进一年!并惊觉自己在不知不觉中错过了些什麽…  泰迪必须学会把握当下,否则他可能会失去挚爱、朋友及人生。在一切还没有太迟之前,都还有挽回的馀地。
拉菲·斯波,Zahra Newma..


主演:贝蒂·吉尔平,杰克·麦克道曼,伊利·亨利,Raphael Corkhill,山姆·米德,Roberto Mateos,达瑞·因戈尔夫松,桑德拉·库瑞,威洛·黑尔,Anna Lee Lawson,Rachel Winfree,Olivier Barrette,Starr Gilliard,Vic Zander,Nicholas Wagner,Ibrahim Renno,Paul Black,邦妮·阿
简介:  本剧由《黑镜》导演Owen Harris执导多集,Damon和《生活大爆炸》制片人Tara Hernandez合作开发 具体情节尚在保密中。据悉整部剧集将会建立在一个一切决定由算法计算得出的世界里,每一季都将针对两个对立的话题进行探讨,首季将是一场关于信仰与科技对立的探索。  按照《布里奇顿》、《艾米丽在巴黎》等剧集新季开播前的“给观众的一封信”的宣传形式,本剧也用标题角色的口吻,向观众大致介绍了这个故事的背景和一些招牌元素;包括《女子摔角联盟》女主Betty Gilpin饰演的角色意图毁灭TA,而TA也对人类(用户)有着更大的野心。  Betty将饰演一名与全能的人工智能作战的修女,而《成瘾剂量》“John Brownlee” Jake McDorman则饰演她叛逆的前男友,对如今的算法时代也有着自己个人的憎恶。  其余参与演出的包括:David Arquette、《纸牌屋》“Heather” Elizabeth Marvel、近年来活跃于《美罪》、《傲战》、《诈欺担保人》等剧的资深演员Margo Martindale、《第十一号站》“Sayid” Andy McQuee、《永不者》“Frank” Ben Chaplin、《硅谷》“Russ”Chris Diamantopoulos、《幻影恶灵》“Tabitha” Ashley Romans以及《邪恶》“Kristen” Katja Herbers。


主演:阿莉西娅·戴柏南·凯里,Melissa Juliet Lawson,Jayden Elijah,Amy Gordon,Joshuah Melnick,Bre Francis,特里莎·保卢西奥,Matthew Lawler,Sule Thelwell,Kenlee Townsend,哈尼·弗森伯格,莫瑞·金斯堡,Amanda Morris Hunt,Gerard Catus,Carl Daniels
简介:  该剧改编畅销小说,风光明媚的加勒比海发生妙龄女子离奇死亡事件。所有真相、证据都被掩埋,只有她的妹妹决定走上追寻真相的危险旅程……


主演:博亚娜·诺瓦科维奇,乔什·斯图沃特,德尔罗伊·林多,梅丽莎·博洛纳,伊薇特·耶茨,贾克琳·弗莱明,卢克·爱德华兹,本·范德梅,Joy Kate Lawson,Bailee MyKell Cowperthwaite
简介:  亚当(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)是一名年轻的大学教授,他的妻子丽莎(博亚娜·诺瓦科维奇 Bojana Novaković 饰)怀孕了,两人搬到了位于城郊的一幢小别墅里,开开心心的准备迎接这个新生命的到来。然而,就在入住新居没多久后,向来健康强壮的丽莎,竟然莫名其妙的流产了,不仅如此,她本人还差点因为失血过多而命丧黄泉。  这场可怕的灾难导致丽莎再也无法怀上孩子了,她的个性因此而产生了一百八十度的转变。一向开朗的她开始变得神神叨叨起来,她坚信是这座新房子里的某些邪恶的力量致使她失去了孩子,亚当并不相信自己的妻子,只觉得她已经疯了。