



主演:库蒂斯·洛伊,Andrew Dunn,Andy Abrahams,多米尼克·布伦特,Charlie Chuck,Kate Coogan,Simon Corble,Samantha Daniels,莎莉·德克斯特,Steph Easter,Howard Ellis,Nicky Evans,William Fox,Keith Hardy,劳伦斯·R·哈维,玛丽亚·李·梅耶丁汉姆,西姆斯·奥尼尔,泰拉·
简介:  重口味血腥恐怖片。一场入室绑架迫使两位少年闯入一个偏远的乡村宅邸,偷窃顶级机密文件。他们不知道的是,那所富丽堂皇的旧宅邸也是一群位高权重的中年人的集合地,那些中年人穿着尿布,故意放纵地陷入护士主题的性奇想,以便躲避生活压力。或者这场奇怪的集会意欲通过阴险的病态的畸形的的方式为全球经济补充能量…
库蒂斯·洛伊,Andrew Dun..


主演:Kate Mulgrew,Robert Beltran,Tim Russ
简介:  1995年首映,2001年结束. 描述两艘船被抛到离星联七万光年远处后,船员合作寻找回家之路的经过; 大致馍分为两个时期,前三季就像DS9,比较注重团队感,第四季引进一个Borg角色后,焦点就转到少数人身上. 目前派拉蒙也不打算为Voyager拍电影,它的后续发展会在2003年以小说形式发行.
Kate Mulgrew,Robe..


主演:维克多·霍林雅克,米拉·斯瓦奇卡娅,Ekaterina Vilkova
简介:  Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family, friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily, he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger, Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.


主演:Michelle Trachtenberg,Seth Green,Katee Sackhoff,Anthony Michael Hall,William Baldwin,Harold Perrineau,Nora Kirkpatrick
简介:  一群男女大家彼此都不认识,却莫名其妙在同一时间同一地点共聚于此,原来他们有一个共同点——都曾甩过一个叫尼克(凯缇·萨克霍夫饰)的女孩,她美丽,放纵又疯狂,而此番她的邀约明显来者不善,她正计划对这些旧情人进行残暴复仇。
Michelle Trachten..


主演:弗兰克·维尔克,罗比·阿梅尔,海莉·清子,Kate Melton,Nick Palatas
简介:  What brings best friends together? For Daphne, Velma, Fred, Shaggy and Shaggy’s spunky pup Scooby-Doo, it’s a mystery! The feature-length live-action Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins original movie takes you back to when four teenage sleuths (plus one dog detective) first met. Unjustly accused of staging a spooky practical joke complete with ghosts, the kids are suspended from Coolsville High. To clear their names, they team to solve the supernatural mystery….and head straight into nonstop laughs and adventures. Special fun, special friends and extra-special effects make this “how-it-all-began” story - from boy-meets-dog to the first trip in the Mystery Machine and more - a doggone great time!


主演:阿丽奥娜·米哈伊洛娃,奥丁·兰德·拜伦,菲利普·阿德耶夫,Ekaterina Ermishina,Natalya Pavlenkova,尼基塔·埃列涅夫,亚历山大·戈尔奇林,瓦尔瓦拉·史密科娃,弗拉德米尔·米什科夫,维克多·霍林雅克,Miron Fedorov,安德烈·伯科夫斯基,Nikita Pirozhkov,Gurgen Tsaturyan,Natalia Polenova,尤利娅·奥格
简介:  美丽的少女安东尼娜某次在一场聚会上,被彼得柴可夫斯基指尖的美妙琴音吸引,并对他一见锺情。从此以后,“当柴可夫斯基的妻子”成为她人生最大的渴望,她不断写信、大胆表达爱意的行径终于得到柴可夫斯基的注意。饱受同志传言所苦,正面临财务危机的柴可夫斯基,在多方考察下,终于选择向这个疯狂迷恋自己、可提供庞大金援的女性求婚。然而,完婚后面对着对自己无爱、无欲的丈夫,安东尼娜倾尽所有仍徒劳无功。人们都说她有个了不起的丈夫,他是众人眼中的天才音乐家、万人景仰的一代大师,始终像炽热的太阳般高高在上。平凡如她不自量力地靠近,只能被烈焰灼伤,最终在这段悲剧性的婚姻中抛下自尊、陷入疯狂、化成灰烬……


主演:Amil Nasirov,Ramil Nasirov,Lyudmyla Sachenko,Nataliya Gnitiy,Karina Cherchevych,Viktor Drapikovsky,Doris Maidanyuk,Kseniya Mishina,Katerina Onipko,Adrian Suleiman,Damian Suleiman,Anna Alsheva
简介:  一对双胞胎兄弟听闻他们久未蒙面的父亲在卢森堡抱恙,于是踏上了去见父亲最后一面的旅程。他们找到的男人会是他们记忆中的那个坏蛋父亲吗?
Amil Nasirov,Rami..


主演:Miko Gallardo,Teejay Marquez,Ameer Sanchez,Gio Emprese,Hiro Shimoji,Adrian Dionisio,Jamil Bonifacio,Leilani Kate Yalung
简介:  Oxin Films 推出「MyStoryTheSeries」由 Teejay Marquez 和 Miko Gallardo 主演
Miko Gallardo,Tee..


主演:杜夫·龙格尔,Stefanie von Pfetten,萨曼莎·费里斯,大卫·刘易斯,林赛·麦克斯维尔,John Tench,博·史文森,Katelyn Mager,莫妮卡·甘德顿,Slavi Slavov,Stephen Chang,Igor Morozov,麦克·卡朋特,Marian Koprada,Chantal Forde
简介:  “伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。  There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.
杜夫·龙格尔,Stefanie v..


主演:伊戈尔·别特连科,阿尔焦姆·谢马金,阿列克谢·帕宁,阿列克谢·克拉夫琴科,Anatoli Gushchin,阿马杜·马马达科夫,Yuri Laguta,Yekaterina Vulichenko
简介:  1944年,二战已接近尾声,在东部的苏德战场上,红军为了摧毁法西斯的最后抵抗,派出了以特拉夫金中尉(Igor Petrenko 饰)为首的七人侦察队,他们将要深入敌后,去摸清敌人的兵力部署。这次凶险的任务已经导致多名战士牺牲,但勇敢的侦察队员们毅然出发了,临行前,特拉夫金与通信兵卡佳(Yekaterina Vulichenko 饰)约定,用“星星”和“大地”作为彼此在电波中联络的暗号。侦察队顺利的潜入敌后,并陆续传回有价值的情报,意识到侦察队威胁的德军方面如临大敌,派出重兵封锁交通,导致侦察队蒙受巨大损失。特拉夫金面对失去战友跟电台的局面,却决定继续前行,完成自己最后的任务……  本片获2002年翁弗勒尔俄罗斯电影节大奖等多项褒奖。