



主演:Jasper Joseph,Kristina Kostiv
简介:  宛如荷马史诗《奥德赛》的公路电影,为旅行者开辟了一个新的世界。来自柏林的两名年轻人赢得了希腊之旅。在短途旅行中,他们迷失在岛上,遇到一个了神秘生物,自称:赫拉克勒斯。后来在山洞里过夜,梦着一个奇怪的梦。隔天,两人关系再也回不去…
Jasper Joseph,Kri..


主演:埃拉·巴林斯卡,兰斯·莱迪克,图尔洛夫·科维里,Tetiana Gaidar,Connor Gosatti,Lea Vivier,Mpho Osei Tutu,Hanni Heinrich,葆拉·努涅斯,斯艾娜·阿古顿,Ayushi Chhabra,阿德莱恩·鲁道夫,Tamara Smart,苏拉亚·桑托斯,Rizelle Januk,埃文·亨斯特,阿哈德·拉扎·米尔,乔·瓦兹,Christina
简介:  2036 年 — 在“乐无忧”传播开来、并给人带来如此多痛苦的 14 年后,在感染后嗜血的可怕生物之间,洁德·威斯克将杀出一条血路。在腥风血雨中奋战之余。杰德还有很多苦恼:她在新浣熊市的过去,她父亲与险恶的保护伞公司之间令人齿寒的联系,以及她姐姐比莉身上所发生的事。


主演:加布里埃拉·卡托,Agustina Quinci,Teresa Sánchez
简介:  墨西哥城高檔酒店內,年輕女傭自有心事。日復一日的漫長工作,總有打掃不盡的房間。她長途跋涉上班,無法照料年幼兒子,卻要幫客人看顧小孩。參加進修班,望能晉升到尊貴樓層。偶然拾獲紅裙,盼失物無人認領可據為己有。抹窗工人隔窗傳情,她其實更需要找到女性自我的聲音。來自劇場的阿維萊絲首拍長片即備受注目,以紀實眼光看打工女的生活與生存,發掘角色沉靜外表下的豐富情感,暗暗接通戴丹兄弟和艾方素卡朗的《羅馬》(2018)。


主演:卢卡·卡尔瓦尼,Johanna Taylor,Yiannis Alexiou,Venetia Grivas,Christina Kyriacou,Hannah Venters,Charlotte Bloomsbury,Alice Stokoe,大卫·威尔金森,Walles Hamonde,Dolores Reynals,Roseline Yale
简介:  In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who carries the weight of a previous relationship gone wrong. Yet, a chance encounter with Richard seems to allow him the chance to love again. As Aris' relationship with Richard deepens, so too does his friendship with Anna, a patient in his care who suffers from a rare neurological syndrome that leaves her paralysed. Anna recovers the use of her limbs, but finds that she has come to rely on Aris for much more than just his support. In fact, her discovery that her husband has been unfaithful during her illness triggers the realisation that her feelings for Aris are romantic. The ties that bind emotion and propriety begin to unravel, and the tangled net that is woven will hold a secret that will catch them all.
卢卡·卡尔瓦尼,Johanna T..


主演:斯特凡诺·阿科尔西,杰丝敏·特丽卡,爱德华多·莱奥,芭芭拉·阿尔贝蒂,菲利波·尼格鲁,洛雷达纳·卡纳塔,马提奥·马塔瑞,卡迈因·雷卡诺,塞拉·耶尔马兹,Sara Ciocca,Edoardo Brandi,Pia Lanciotti,Cristina Bugatty,Dora Romano,Barbara Chichiarelli,Andrea Batti,Annalisa Cardone,Sar
简介:  當他們愛情陷入危機,命運女神卻吹來生機…  亞瑟和他的男友亞歷山德羅已同居15年,儘管當年天雷勾動地火的愛情正逐漸淡去,但當亞歷山德羅公然在友人婚宴上偷吃,依然讓亞瑟怒不可抑。眼看這段曾經人人稱羨的愛情即將告吹,卻因為閨蜜安娜瑪莉亞的突然造訪,再度吹起了一絲希望…。    在「幸運女神博物館」工作的安娜瑪莉亞,和亞歷山德羅曾是一對戀人,卻主動將男友「讓賢」給亞瑟,三人從此成為無話不談的親暱好友。但當安娜瑪莉亞罹患重症,不得不將一對可愛子女託付給他們照顧時,突如其來「為人父」的重責大任,卻為他們帶來空前的壓力,他們該重修舊好、齊力照顧兩個孩子?抑或該在分手前、婉拒好友這項生命付託?    安娜瑪莉亞的突然離去,終於迫使亞瑟和亞歷山德羅、必須面對這個問題。就在他們決定將這對孩子,交還給安娜瑪莉亞久未聯絡的母親時,卻意外發現了一個驚天秘密…。「幸運女神」能讓彼此相愛的人在一起,曾受眷顧的亞瑟與亞歷山德羅,能和好如初繼續相愛嗎?而安娜瑪莉亞遺愛給他們的這對可愛孩子,又可能如願跟他們永遠在一起嗎?


主演:布拉德利·曼宁,南希·霍兰德,文森特·沃德,Chase Strangio,Lisa Rein,Christina DiPasquale,Susan Manning,Janus Kopfstein,Kelly Wright,Larissa Macfarquhar
简介:  布拉德利·爱德华·曼宁,美国陆军上等兵。他利用职务之便,非法下载了二十五万份美国政府的机密资料,转交给维基解密。他在网络上向另一位黑客Adrian Lamo夸耀此事,遭举发。  2013年,曼宁被判在军事监狱服刑35年。被判刑后,她宣布自己要变为女性,并改名切尔西·曼宁。2016年,曼宁在狱中接受变性手术。2017年1月,美国前总统奥巴马在卸任前为她减刑,同年5月曼宁获释。2019年3月,曼宁再次被捕。2019年4月22日,美国联邦法院驳回了曼宁的保释上诉,她将继续坐牢。


主演:Vladimir Azhippo,Dmitry Kaledin,Olga Shkabarnya,Alexei Blinov,Viktoria Skitskaya,Maksim Martsinkevich,Zoya Popova,Alina Alekseeva,Alexey Trifonov,Kristina Voloschina,Nikita Nekrasov,玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇,Romeo C
简介:  一家秘密的苏联研究所结合了科学和神秘实验,旨在创造理想的人。 该研究涉及所有员工:特权量子物理学家,克格勃官员,厨房员工边缘人员和政治上激进的测试对象。 研究所的居民发现自己身处深处的生存危机中,被逼向悲惨和暴力的结局。
Vladimir Azhippo,..


主演:拉文尼娅·威尔森,埃利亚斯·穆巴里克,安娜·乌特伯格,Lukas Spisser,Iva Höpperger,Fedor Teyml,Marta Manduca,玛利亚·霍夫斯塔尔,Tina Haller,Klaus Huhle
简介:  Alice and Niklas are happy, they lack nothing - but a child. After several failed invitros, they go on a holiday to Sardinia to leave their wish for a child behind. Right there, however, everything they tried to repress resurfaces. A cheerful Tyrolean family moves directly into the neighboring house and seems to have everything that Alice and Niklas lack in life. An unforeseen incident changes their view on life, in which the most natural thing in the world does not avail.


主演:安东尼·鲍伊,托比·琼斯,卡伦·索尼娅·塞沃尔,亚历克斯·费恩斯,莉亚·麦克纳玛拉,萨拉·奈尔斯,奥克利·佩德加斯特,斯派克·莱顿,乔尔·莫里斯,Matt Beauman-Jones,保罗·布莱克维尔,尼玛·塔列格哈尼,Layo-Christina Akinlude,Tommy Finnegan,Rachid Sabitri
简介:  The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war.  Anthony Boyle plays the real-life soldier Brian Wood, accused of war crimes in Iraq by the tenacious human rights lawyer Phil Shiner, played by Toby Jones.  The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield - at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy - to the courtroom, and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry.  Memory, evidence and trauma collide, as Brian finds himself caught on the fine line between war and unlawful killing. After his service in Iraq and years of legal investigation, will he ever be able to look his family in the eye again and be the husband, father, and son, they need him to be?  Danny Boy is an urgent and thought-provoking drama that questions what we ask of those who fight - and kill - for their country.  Danny Boy is made by Expectation for the BBC. It is written by Bafta-winner Robert Jones and directed by Sam Miller, and also stars Alex Ferns, Leah McNamara, Pauline Turner, Kiran Sonia Sawar, and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor. Executive Producers are Colin Barr and Susan Horth for Expectation, with Lucy Richer, Jo McClellan and Clare Sillery for the BBC.


主演:杰瑞米·艾恩斯,乔治·麦凯,罗伯特·巴瑟斯特,杰西卡·布朗·芬德利,奥古斯特·迪赫,阿历克斯·杰宁斯,安佳丽·莫辛德拉,桑德拉·惠勒,马克·路易斯·琼斯,丽芙·丽莎·弗赖斯,杰尼斯·纽沃纳,尼古拉斯·肖,汉勒斯·魏格纳,Jean-Luc Julien,马丁·基弗,Ross Donnelly,Tina Louise Owens,Genevieve Florence
简介:  本片改编自罗伯特·哈里斯的国际畅销书。1938 年的秋天,欧洲正处于战争的边缘。阿道夫·希特勒准备入侵捷克斯洛伐克,内维尔·张伯伦政府拼命寻求和平解决方案。眼见局势升温,英国公务员休·莱格特和德国外交官保罗·冯·哈特曼前往慕尼黑参加紧急会议。随着谈判开始,这两位老友发现自己落入了政治诡计布下的巨网,正面临异常的危险。在全世界的注视下,战争能否避免?如果可以,需要付出什么代价?