



主演:鲁伯特·艾弗雷特,科林·费尔斯,迈克尔·吉恩,Robert Addie,鲁伯特·温莱特,特里斯坦·奥利弗,加利·艾尔维斯,Frederick Alexander,Adrian Ross Magenty,Geoffrey Bateman,盖伊·亨利,Llewellyn Rees,Arthur Howard,艾弗·罗伯茨,尼古拉斯·罗尔,Tristram Jellinek,安娜·玛西,贝齐·布兰特利,
简介:  故事发生在1930年的英国,于伊顿贵族学校就读的盖伊·班尼特(鲁伯特·艾弗雷特 Rupert Everett 饰)是个同性恋者,他的好友贾德(柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)是名共产主义者,对资本主义深恶痛绝,对学校规章制度更是不屑一顾。学校里的同性恋风气蔓延,一名叫马提诺的学生与另一名男同学发生关系时被发现,随后马提诺上吊自杀。此事给盖伊以及整个学院都造成了不小的影响。  不久后,盖伊爱上了同校的詹姆斯(加利·艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes 饰),两人常常在夜里约会。然而有一天事情败露,盖伊为了保护詹姆斯,而独自接受了鞭责,同时他的最高年级长的位置也被取代。严格的校规和保守的道德观使他对自己在英国的事业前途感到失望。二十年后,盖伊从英国外交部投奔共产主义国家苏联,成为“叛国"者,轰动英国朝野。  本片原为轰动英伦的舞台剧,取材自三十年代的真人真事。主角盖伊·班尼特的原型为“剑桥五杰”之一盖伊·伯吉斯。


主演:Joyce Hyser,Clayton Rohner,Billy Jacoby,William Zabka,Toni Hudson,Leigh McCloskey,Sherilyn Fenn,Deborah Goodrich,Kenneth Tigar
简介:  泰莉(乔伊丝海瑟 饰),18岁,人见人爱,她是学校中最受欢迎的女孩子。一心想当新闻记者的泰莉,在一次新闻采访竞赛中,写了一篇“一个自认为男性运动员的女人”的报导,却惨遭评审退回。泰莉认为,一定是她的女性身份造成老师们的偏见,于是她决定剪短头发、换上男装、压低声音,以男生的身份进入一所男校就读!进入男校后,泰莉差点在更衣室与体育课上曝光,更糟的是,她爱上了英俊温文的男同学瑞克(克莱顿朗纳 饰)......泰莉要如何向瑞克表明自己的女儿身呢?
Joyce Hyser,Clayt..


主演:特里西娅·奥尼尔,兰斯·亨利克森,Steve Marachuk,Ricky Paull Goldin,Ted Richert,Leslie Graves,Carole Davis,Connie Lynn Hadden,Arnie Ross,Tracey Berg,Albert Sanders,Anne Pollack,Hildy Magnasun,Phil Colby,Lee Krug,Sally
简介:  克里斯(Ricky Paull Goldin 饰)的好友遭到了不明物种的攻击离奇死亡,这场悲剧吸引了克里斯的母亲安妮(崔西亚·奥尼尔 Tricia O'Neil 饰)的注意,她觉得这整个事件都十分可疑,然而除了她之外并没有人这么认为。安妮找到了研究生化学的博士泰勒(Steve Marachuk 饰),向他寻求帮助,经过两人的重重调查,一群长着翅膀,嗜血而又残暴的变种鱼渐渐浮出了水面。  一年一度的炸鱼庆典即将在海滩上举办,来参加的人们无不兴致勃勃,跃跃欲试。安妮找到了活动的主办方,希望他们能够取消庆典,以保证民众的安全,但利欲熏心的主办方显然没有将安妮的话当成一回事。一场悲剧眼看着就要拉开序幕。


主演:卡门·毛拉,Ángel de Andrés López,贡萨洛·苏亚雷斯,贝罗尼卡·福尔克,丘斯·兰普雷亚维,基蒂·曼维尔,塞西莉亚·罗特,佩德罗·阿莫多瓦,Fabio McNamara,Amparo Soler Leal,埃米利奥·古铁雷斯·卡巴,阿古斯丁·阿莫多瓦,Francisca Caballero,Javier Gurruchaga,海梅·查瓦里,Katia Loritz,卢西亚诺·贝里
简介:  和很多同龄的家庭主妇一样,家庭生活带给葛络瑞娅(卡门·毛拉 Carmen Maura 饰)的并非温暖和幸福,而是无止境的折磨和重负,在狭小又压抑的屋子里和丈夫、婆婆以及两个儿子同住,葛络瑞娅的每一天都在抑郁和愤怒中度过。  尽管葛络瑞娅自觉已经尽到了母亲、妻子和儿媳所应尽的义务,但成天抱怨连连的婆婆和丈夫显然并不这么认为。孩子真的能够带来希望吗?看着成天不务正业的大儿子和下海成为男妓的小儿子,葛络瑞娅伤痕累累的心早已经麻木。一次争吵中,被愤怒冲昏了头脑的葛络瑞娅竟然失手将丈夫杀死,尽管法律给予了这场意外宽容的制裁,但葛络瑞娅明白,她那本来就岌岌可危的家庭已经开始分崩离析。
卡门·毛拉,Ángel de An..


主演:Peter Voß,Friedrich Kayßler,Alice Brandt,Bruno Güttner,Fritz Odemar,Fritz Rasp
简介:  A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot change which enables the beautiful Alice Brandt to enjoy both a larger role and a more intriguing part in the proceedings. This change also builds up the parts of Dr Mortimer and Lord Charles, yet at the same time provides a nice introduction to the is-he-sinister or is-he-a-good-guy Barrymore, deftly played here by Fritz Rasp.  Despite the sting of its well-developed story, the spellbindingly atmospheric direction and the engrossing performances delivered by the entire cast, many fans may find this version somewhat disappointing. For at least three reasons: As in the novel, the part played in the narrative by Sherlock Holmes, though vital, is minimal. And in this version, not only has no attempt been made to enlarge his role, if anything both writer and director do their best to minimize it. Holmes does not even make his entrance for half-an-hour, and when he does finally appear, he has his back to the camera. It is Fritz Odemar, as Dr Watson, who receives the more favorable camera angles. And there is a purpose in this. It is Watson, not Holmes, who figures as the main protagonist of The Hound of the Baskervilles. For the bulk of the narrative, Holmes disappears. It is Watson and Lord Henry (Peter Voss) who take up the running. The movie is almost over, before Holmes closes in on the villain. And even so, this is not the obsessed, self-important Holmes we are accustomed to see taking charge. Another problem is that the title hound itself does not figure a great deal in the action, a downgrading which will undoubtedly rate as another major disappointment for fans. And finally, it could be argued that the script gives too much attention to Conan Doyle's red herring, the escaped convict, and not enough to the real villain.  This said, it must surely be admitted by all, that Odemar's interpretation of Watson—intelligent, charming, level-headed, courageous and resourceful—is much closer to Conan Doyle's conception than either the bungling, inveterately stupid Nigel Bruce or the self-effacing Ian Fleming.  One other player deserves special mention: Erich Ponto (Dr Winkel in The Third Man) who seems exactly right for Stapleton. A difficult part, superbly played.  - JohnHowardReid, imdb
Peter Voß,Friedri..


主演:郑智麟,拉莫·威利斯,凯丽·费雪,布莱恩娜·伊维根,Teri Andrzejewski,玛尔戈·哈什曼,丽亚·派普斯
简介:  卡希蒂(布蕾安娜·伊薇根 Briana Evigan 饰)、艾莉(卢默尔·威利斯 Rumer Willis 饰)、克莱尔(洁米·张 Jamie Chung 饰)、杰西卡(莉娅·派普斯 Leah Pipes 饰)、查格丝(Margo Harshman 饰)和梅根(奥德丽娜·帕特里奇 Audrina Patridge 饰)是某所高校的六个亲密无间的好姐妹,她们组成名为“西塔派”的姐妹联谊会,一起玩耍,同进同退。在庆祝大四新学年的狂欢派对上,姐妹们合伙戏耍了梅根的花心男友加勒特(Matt O'Leary 饰),结果却导致梅根被加勒特无意中杀害。为了掩盖罪行,这五个女孩将好友的尸体丢入废井,制造失踪的假象,并相约谨守这个秘密。  转眼8个月过去,少女们即将迎来毕业的时刻。梅根的惨剧让她们的心中渐生离析。与此同时,似乎有一个神秘之人正躲在暗处,伺机夺取她们的生命……


主演:马库·托伊卡,艾诺·塞波,埃斯科·尼卡里,汉努·劳里,奥利·图奥米宁,马蒂·佩龙帕,Harri Marstio,Pedro Hietanen,Hannu Lemola,Kari Sorvali,Pentti Auer,Asmo Hurula,Risto Aaltonen,Tarja Keinänen,Tiina Pirhonen,Heljä Angervo-Karttunen,Jorma Hynn
简介:  陀思妥耶夫斯基的文学名著曾多次搬上银幕,本版把它搬到当今的赫尔辛基。主角是一个曾经学过法律的屠宰场工人(跟咱们的北大肉店老板似的),三年前女友被车撞死,司机逃逸。如今,他发现了肇事者,并将他杀死。有一个女子知道他的杀人真相和他的身份,但并没有告发他,而是跟他陷入一桩没有前途的恋爱关系...  作为文学片,本片并不忠实,但它逼真地再现了原作的压抑和阴郁,人物刻画很少感情色彩,很多细枝末节被舍弃,只留下主要人物的眼神和动作,堪称简约主义风格之作。《罪与罚》有1935年的美国版,总体水准不高,但不乏新意;1958年的法国版把剧情搬到了巴黎,后改名《最危险的罪》;1959年的美国新版也作了更新,讲一个学法律的学生涉入抢劫谋杀等罪案。1969年的苏联版长达3小时20分钟,更贴近原著;2002年的英国电视剧版是另一个以忠实再现见长的版本。--正太猫


主演:莫蕊拉·皮娅若,Françoise Blanchard,迈克·马歇尔,克瑞娜·巴罗内,Fanny Magier,Patricia Besnard-Rousseau,Véronique Pinson,Sandrine Morel,Jean Cherlian,Jean-Pierre Bouyxou,Alain Petit,Jacques Marbeuf,Sam Selsky,Lise Overman,
简介:  女主角是殭屍中的异类,从死里复活,却陷入永远的迷茫,年少时的女伙伴来相会,人鬼殊途,却延续了早已截断的情感,最後,悲剧以她对伙伴的一噬走进高潮。


主演:爱丽丝·夏普,蒂姆·麦克纳尼,克里斯蒂安·希尔伯格,彼特·恩布雷希茨,安娜·钱斯勒,Neerja Naik,Taz Munyaneza,Marisa Van Eyle,Adriano Chiaramida,Simone Coppo,马克·范·伊文,Jenny Hsia,Olinda Larralde Ortiz,Anna Loeffen,Max Groeliken
简介:  Follows Sara, who recently divorced and decided to register for a 'From Fear to Love' retreat on the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli but she is confronted with the painful past she has been trying to hide.


主演:Cotter Smith,Deirdre O'Connell,Ryan Phillippe
简介:  When the Viking space capsule suddenly returns to Earth from its long ago trip to Mars, it brings with it an intelligent visitor that is part "Alien" and part "ET". Encased in armor, it extends a humanlike form from its shell to examine its surroundings and shows an interest in humans including a soft caress of a female scientist prior to the Army killing it. This only enrages its sibling.
Cotter Smith,Deir..