



主演:Anta Diaw,亚历克西斯·曼蒂,Aristote Luyindula,史蒂夫·蒂英楚,奥拉利亚·佩蒂特,让娜·巴利巴尔,Judy Al Rashi,Mohamad Al Rashi,Djénéba Diallo,巴斯·德莫,Gladys Chauvellier,尼扎·本·菲特玛,Olivier-Pierre Richard,Philippe Collin,斯特凡·高迪,Karimouche,
简介:  「母亲教我说话,为何我得沉默?」祖母病故,住宅电梯故障失修,抬棺材到街上弄得众人狼狈万分,这就是黑人少女哈比的日常缩影。新当选区长的白人医生邻居,「仗义」收留叙利亚难民,却无视聚居多年黑人族群苦况,狠心推动强迫迁拆令,使哈比不得不在本该普世欢腾的圣诞节走上抗争之路。压迫愈趋无理,居民怒火可会一发不可收拾?赖卓利继戛纳得奖作《孤城泪》,再次深探法国社会阶级和种族冲突根源:不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安,信焉。
Anta Diaw,亚历克西斯·曼..


主演:David Nutt,Harvey Milkman,Raphael Gaßmann,Katherine Severi,Lorenz Gallmetzer,Stefan Gabányi,Ulrich Adam,Ignacio Sánchez Ricarte,Isidore Obot,Olivier van Beemen,Tunde Salau,米卡·哈基宁,Michael Musalek,Helmu
简介:  Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics. He travels around the world from Germany via England to Nigeria to detect aggressive trading practices of the global alcohol industry seeking growth in new markets at all costs. He also visits Iceland, which successfully made the turnaround: Where 20 years ago hordes of drunks roamed the streets, young people today master their need for relaxation and life stimulants without alcohol. The film has no intention to point a moral finger but nevertheless will significantly change the drinking habits of the viewer.
David Nutt,Harvey..


主演:迪昂·史密斯,Charles Brice,Charles Ambrose,Skylar Ebron,Kevin Howell,John Machesky,Derrick LeMont,Ryan Austin Bryant,希瑟·坎特,Rick Nehls
迪昂·史密斯,Charles Br..


主演:西奥·克里斯廷,索菲娅·勒萨弗尔,杰罗姆·尼尔,丽莎·尼亚科,费尼肯·欧菲尔德,Marie-Philomène Nga,马哈玛德·桑伽勒,阿卜杜拉·蒙迪,Ike Zacsongo,埃马纽埃尔·博纳米,Xing Xing Cheng,Samir Nait,Malik Amraoui,Lehcem Mahidi,Nasser Mehal,Abdelkader Bounoir,Karim Daoues,
简介:  孤独青年在住宅大楼自设昆虫馆,把各种昆虫和爬虫类视为宠物,蝎子蜈蚣爱不释手。新宠儿是一只外来蜘蛛,暂时给它一个安乐窝,只是掌上明蛛求生欲强,它要逃离禁室,不断繁衍。后代变种夺命巨蛛,大楼到处结满蛛网,居民陷入一片恐慌。基于公众安全理由,警方封锁现场所有出口,死里逃生更是难上加难。凡尼切克首部长片,直视无孔不入的致命威胁,触及社会的阶级歧视,勾起封城恐惧,善用特效与场景空间,拍出令人毛骨悚然血压狂飚的蛛杀危机。


主演:吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托,扎克瑞·莫莫,Arica Himmel,伊万·姆巴科普,Patrick Robinson,戴克斯·雷伊,Ekow Blade,蒂姆·J·史密斯,Charles R. Edwards,库里·格拉汉姆,尼古拉斯·罗根,Caleb Baumann,葆拉·马尔科姆森,恩卡·奥库玛,肯尼思·肯特·布赖恩,沃克·巴宾顿,Chelsea Bryan,肖恩·保罗·布劳德,内德·尤瑟夫,Chu
简介:  Based on the Hit U.K. Series The Driver, Esposito stars as Gracian “Gray” Parish, a family man and proud owner of a luxury car service in New Orleans. After his son is violently murdered and his business collapses, an encounter with an old friend from his days as a wheelman resurfaces old habits, sending Gray on a high-stakes collision course with a violent criminal syndicate.


主演:Job Krisz Ahandrik,Porche,瓦拉丹·肯蒙达
简介:  电影《天才枪手》小说作者,17年S.E.A. Write Award获奖泰国作家Jidanun Lueangpiansamut ร เรือในมหาสมุท (S for Ship at Sea)@ald_aruza 的BL作品改编,Star Hunter Entertainment 制作 12月进行Casting。  温柔反派明星演员X冷静淡然工程师  身为演员,Feung Nakhon向来是反派担当,可私底下的他却是温柔体贴、笑脸迎人,国民度超高的他,突然在社交APP「Zendaya」上发布「传递正能量」的贴文后,立刻就吸引了众多粉丝涌入争相留言,也让这个别具特色却默默无闻的APP,在泰国声名大噪!  Krom是Zendaya公司里唯一的泰国员工,一向不怎么关心娱乐新闻的他,因为此次骚动,认识了Feung Nakhon这号人物。没想到准备回泰国度假的Krom,意外在机场遇到大明星本人,更发现他竟是妈妈新收的宝贝干儿子!  从陌生人一夕变成邻居关系,Krom逐渐被对方的正能量吸引。然而现实中回美国的归期、明星身分的阻碍,让他们约定好不谈交往,只默默喜欢对方。不过感情这种事,从来不是能够随自己控制的……
Job Krisz Ahandri..


主演:Michela Luci,莎拉·乔德利,Amish Patel,尼古拉·科雷亚·达姆得,比尔·考布斯,Maria Vacratsis,杰恩·伊斯特伍德,Trek Buccino,余咏瑶,Nadine Roden,Ali Hassan,Amanda Barker,米莉·戴维斯
简介:  Dana is a 9-year old girl who loves dinosaurs. Her life changes forever when she's given a Dino Field Guide, which not only teaches her new things about dinosaurs, but gives her the power to imagine dinosaurs into real life.
Michela Luci,莎拉·乔..


主演:Michela Luci,莎拉·乔德利,尼古拉·科雷亚·达姆得,阿里‧哈桑,杰恩·伊斯特伍德,比尔·考布斯,余咏瑶,杰森·斯佩瓦克,奈奥米·斯尼克斯,阿曼达·巴克
简介:  达娜能看到恐龙了,更幸运的是,达娜改变背包的外形后,恐龙们会将她当成自己的同类,这让达娜在研究恐龙的路上比前辈们更具备优势。
Michela Luci,莎拉·乔..


主演:Michela Luci,莎拉·乔德利,尼古拉·科雷亚·达姆得,阿里‧哈桑,杰恩·伊斯特伍德,比尔·考布斯,余咏瑶,杰森·斯佩瓦克,奈奥米·斯尼克斯,阿曼达·巴克
简介:  达娜能看到恐龙了,更幸运的是,达娜改变背包的外形后,恐龙们会将她当成自己的同类,这让达娜在研究恐龙的路上比前辈们更具备优势。
Michela Luci,莎拉·乔..