



简介:  In winter of 1938, Paris is crowded with refugees from the Nazis, who live in the black shadows of night, trying to evade deportation. One such is Dr. Ravic, who practices medicine illegally and stalks his old Nazi enemy Haake with murder in mind. One rainy night, Ravic meets Joan Madou, a kept woman cast adrift by her lover's sudden death. Against Ravic's better judgement, they become involved in a doomed affair; matters come to a crisis on the day war is declared.


主演:哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Lloyd,乔拜娜·劳斯顿,沃尔特·詹姆斯,Leo Willis
简介:  城镇警长家里最小的孩子没有父亲和哥哥们那样壮实,但他用头脑战胜了劫匪,为家庭和自己赢得了荣誉,当然,还有未婚妻。
哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Ll..


主演:马龙·白兰度,特瑞沃·霍华德,理查德·哈里斯,休·格里夫斯,理查德·海顿,Tarita Teriipaia,Matahiarii Tama,珀西·赫伯特,Duncan Lamont
简介:  故事主要是围绕一艘名叫邦蒂的船展开。邦蒂于1789年离开波特毛斯港口,前往南美,此次的任务就是前往大溪地某座岛屿,从那里得到一种像面包一样的水果品种,并把它运回英国。故事的主人公弗莱切·克里斯坦是船上的大副。他性格刚烈,很不满威廉姆·布莱斯船长的作风。而船长是一个极度刚愎自用的人,他听不仅下属们的建议和意见,反倒是百般折磨他们,就连喝水都被当作是一种惩罚:如果不服从他,就不给水喝。刚开始大家总是默默忍耐,敢怒不敢言。但是布莱斯船长不仅没有收敛,反而变本加厉地加重处罚措施,最后甚至用鞭子抽打那些犯了错的船员。整艘船上的人都再也无法忍受了。于是在弗莱切·克里斯坦的带领和组织下,他们进行叛变,把船长流放,随后自己在大溪地的一个岛屿上住了一段时间,过着天堂一般的生活。但是毕竟纸包不住火,丑闻最终还是被抖了出来。这些船员们会面临什么样的审判和处罚呢?


简介:  赌城拉斯维加斯,除夕夜。轮盘赌盘在疯狂地旋转,纸牌的劈啪声愈发刺耳。老虎机鸣响,香槟酒气熏天。突然间,灯火骤熄,一片黑暗。这是一个多么完美的时刻,无论你是去偷吻香艳的女郎还是顺手牵羊地私密几张钞票。当然,对于丹尼·奥逊(弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra饰)和他的十一个犯罪团伙来说,这更是一个偷天换日的绝佳盗窃机会。以丹尼为首的十一罗汉,均是二战退伍后最优秀的空降部队成员,个个身怀绝技。丹尼伙同山姆·哈蒙(迪恩·马丁 Dean Martin饰)、约什·霍华(小萨米·戴维斯 Sammy Davis Jr.饰)、吉米·福斯特(彼特·劳福德 Peter Lawford饰)和康纳斯(乔伊·毕晓普 Joey Bishop饰)等人,开始了一场有史以来最大的赌场抢劫案。然而这场看似天衣无缝的“完美”盗窃案,却纰漏百出、波澜起伏。  由好莱坞著名导演刘易斯·迈尔斯通执导的1960版犯罪喜剧影片《十一罗汉》,荣获1961年美国制片人金桂冠奖提名及1961年美国编剧协会荧幕编剧奖提名。


简介:  During WWII, a platoon of American soldiers trudge through the Italian countryside in search of a bridge they have been ordered to blow up, encountering danger and destruction along the way.


简介:  On a rainy night in 1928 in a Pennsylvania factory town called Iverstown, Martha Ivers (Janis Wilson), thirteen years old, is trying to escape from the guardianship of her wealthy, domineering aunt. Her friend, the street-smart, poor Sam Masterson (Darryl Hickman), comes for her through her bedroom window, but Martha's aunt catches them. While Sam slips out unnoticed, Martha hits Mrs. Ivers on the head, causing her to fall down the long staircase and die. Though Sam saw nothing, the event was witnessed by Walter O'Neil (Mickey Kuhn), the son of Martha's tutor (Roman Bohnen), known as Mr. O'Neil. Martha lies about the incident to Mr. O'Neil, and Walter supports her.[5]  Mr. O'Neil suspects what happened but presents Martha's version of events to the police, that an intruder is responsible; he makes use of his knowledge by having her marry his son. When the police identify a former employee of the aunt as the murderer, the two O'Neils and Martha help convict him; he is punished by hanging.[5]  Eighteen years later, the older O'Neil has died. Walter (now played by Kirk Douglas) is the district attorney, while Martha (Barbara Stanwyck) has used her inheritance from her aunt to build a large business empire. Their marriage is one-sided; he loves her, but she does not love him.  Sam (Van Heflin), now a drifter and gambler, stops in the small town by chance to have his car repaired after an accident. While waiting for repairs, at his old home, now a boarding house, he meets Antonia "Toni" Marachek (Lizabeth Scott), who has just been released from jail. She is later picked up for violating her probation by not returning to her hometown. Sam goes to see Walter, to see if he can use his influence to get her released.  Walter is convinced Sam has returned with blackmail in mind, giving Walter a motive to run Sam out of town. When Martha reacts with joy to the news of Sam's return, Walter's jealousy provides an additional motive. Walter forces Toni to set Sam up. Sam is beaten and driven out of town, but he is too tough to be intimidated. When all else fails, Walter makes a half-hearted attempt to kill Sam himself, but is easily disarmed. Martha then inadvertently blurts out the couple's fears of blackmail, which prove to be groundless: Sam says he did not witness the death. Martha breaks down and laments that he left without her all those years ago, taking with him her only chance for love and freedom.  Sam is torn between his old love and his new. Although he eventually forgives Toni for betraying him, he and Martha spend an idyllic day together, rekindling his feelings for her.  Walter arranges to meet Sam to finally settle matters. Before Sam arrives, Walter gets drunk and Martha finds out about the meeting. When Walter falls down the stairs and is knocked unconscious, Martha urges Sam to kill him. Sam instead brings Walter around. Martha pulls out a gun and threatens to shoot Sam in "self defense" as an intruder. However, Sam gambles that Walter will not back up her story; he turns his back on her and leaves.  Walter embraces and kisses his wife; then he points the gun at her midriff. Oddly relieved, she puts her hand over his hand on the trigger and presses. As she is dying, she defiantly states her name is not Martha Ivers, but Martha Smith. Outside, Sam hears the shot. He runs back toward the mansion, but sees Walter, holding Martha's body, shoot himself. Sam and Toni drive away together.


主演:格利高里·派克,哈里·古蒂诺,雷普·汤恩,乔治·佩帕德,卡尔·本顿·里德,詹姆斯·爱德华兹,鲍勃·斯蒂尔,伍迪·斯特罗德,乔治·柴田,诺曼·费尔,卢·加洛,罗伯特·布莱克,Cliff Ketchum,比夫·埃利奥特,查尔斯·艾德曼,巴里·阿特沃特,马丁·兰道,肯·林奇,保罗.康尼,Syl Lamont,Abel Fernandez,凯文·哈根,查克·海沃德,John Alderman,加文·麦克劳
简介:  朝鲜战争后期的1953年7月,当战争各方在进行和平停战谈判时,美军为了在谈判桌上增加筹码,命令克莱门斯中尉率领美军一个连进攻没有军事价值的255高地.他们知道板门店停战谈判可能随时会达成和平协议,所以一些士兵不太愿意做无谓牺牲.然而,克莱门斯中尉认为这是他们的爱国职责,在他的指挥下,美军在猪排山阵地上与中朝军队进行争夺战,甚至进行残酷的肉搏战.等到增援部队到达时,135人的连队打的就剩下25个人.