



主演:米尔亚娜·卡拉诺维奇,波利斯·伊萨科维奇,雅丝娜·杜里契奇,博扬·纳沃杰克,Hristina Popovic,Vlado Kerosevic,克塞尼娅·马林科维奇,Isidora Simijonovic,Jovan Belobrkovic,厄明·布拉沃,Zinaida Dedakin,Svetozar Cvetkovic,Andjelika Simic,Olivera Viktorovic,Cvi
简介:  一位妻子发现丈夫原来在前南战争中犯有反人类罪。“地下”女主角自编自导自演,用生活化视角让妻子沉浸在各种日常周旋中,负罪的幽灵慢慢才会成为这个家庭的梦魇。一场缓慢推进的灵魂焦灼。


主演:Hannes Fohlin,Karl-Henrik Franzén,Oldoz Javidi
简介:  DEBUT is about Philip who dreams of becoming a model. At a casting he gets the chance to be photographed with the well-known model Sebastiaan, they fall in love. During the photo shoot, Philip pushes his limits more and more in order to keep the photographer's interest. Philip and Sebastiaan lose control of the situation when Philip is doing everything he can just to be able to stay in front of the camera.
Hannes Fohlin,Kar..


主演:塞迪·哈拉,尤里·鲍里索夫,尤利娅·奥格,蒂娜拉·卓卡洛娃,波琳娜·奥格,Tomi Alatalo,Konstantin Murzenko,Galina Petrova,Viktor Chuprov,Mikhail Brashinsky,Galina Sidorova,谢尔盖·阿格夫诺,Maria Kljukina,Denis Pyanov,Natalya Drozd
简介:  一个芬兰女人为了逃避在莫斯科的一段秘密婚外情,登上了前往北极港口摩尔曼斯克的火车。她被迫与一名俄罗斯矿工在狭小的卧铺车厢里度过漫长的旅程。这次意外的邂逅使他们开始面对,自己所渴望的,人与人之间接触的真相。


主演:Giuseppe Fuda,Bruno Timpano,Nazareno Timpano,Artemio Vallone,Domenico Cavallo,Santo Cavallo,Peppe Cavallo,Isidoro Chiera,Iolanda Manno,Cesare Ritorito
简介:  这是一个卡拉布里亚岛的小村子,依山傍海,从山麓间,你可以看到远处的伊奥尼亚海。这是一个好似时间停止的地方,这里的石头有权改变事件的发生,而山羊们则会停下来思考天空的由来。  这里住着一个已经时日不多的老牧羊人,他病了,他坚信他找到了续命的良药,他从教堂的地板上收集灰尘,每晚就水喝下。  在一个羊圈里的一小片黑土地上,一只山羊生下了一只小白山羊,生命最初的不适只持续了一小段时间,它的眼睛立刻便睁开了,它的蹄子已经可以支撑身体的重量。整个村子的生活都被这个新生命的到来而充满了希望。小羊在逐渐成长,它变得强壮起来,开始玩耍。  一次疏忽,它独自离开了在休息的羊群抛开,它在厚厚的植被中迷失了方向,直到精疲力尽,在一株雄伟的杉树下歇脚。  这棵巨大的树随着山间的微风摇摆。时间流逝,季节快速地更替,这棵巨大的杉树失去了枝叶摇摆的声音,取而代之的,是机械的轰鸣。  杉树倒在地上,他被砍倒了,被肢解,它白色的木材被用当地古老的技术转化为木炭。我们最后一次见它,是它随着烟雾和尘埃消逝……  如诗般的电影语言讲述了生活和自然的联系,对于一个被遗忘的永恒之地的诠释,揭示了和谐的真谛。这是一部完全没有用到任何特殊效果的科幻电影,将人们带入了一个未知的奇幻世界,讲述了一个由四个生命互相交叠的奇妙故事。
Giuseppe Fuda,Bru..


主演:莱娅·柯丝达,苏西·桑切斯,拉蒙·巴雷阿,米克尔·布斯塔曼特,何塞·拉蒙·索罗兹,安珀·莎娜·威廉斯,Asier Valdestilla García,Justi Larrinaga,Isidoro Fernández,Gloria Helguera,Carmen Berbaola,Lorena López,Elena Sáenz,Ana Isabel Martínez,Anuska Pernia
简介:  新手妈妈阿玛雅还没有适应母亲这个角色。丈夫离家几周,孤立无援的她决定回到巴斯克海滨小镇父母的家里向他们求助。然而就算有父母的帮忙,育儿也绝非易事,矛盾和争吵接踵而来。尽管阿玛雅现在已经是一个母亲了,但她内心里,依旧还是一个女儿。


主演:莉亚·麦克纳玛拉,丽丝·瑞森·奥尔森,理查德·柯伊尔,基利安·奥沙利文,弗朗西斯·麦基,克里斯蒂安·鲁贝克,Darren Cahill,Vivian Oparah,雅丝敏·莫奈·普林斯,Isidora Fairhurst,Carl Shaaban,Lea Marlen Woitack,安娜贝尔·曼登,Lazar Dragojevic,Thomas Sprekelsen,克里斯托弗·迪恩,Barba
简介:  叛逆伦敦少女Tara和她的闺蜜们来到鹿特丹度假,在Tara的父亲被发现意外死亡后,她发现她的家族成员正暗地里干着走私毒品的买卖,并已被一群亡命罪犯盯上!其中一个被称为“旅行者”的神秘连环杀手,正一步步接近她们。


主演:David Nutt,Harvey Milkman,Raphael Gaßmann,Katherine Severi,Lorenz Gallmetzer,Stefan Gabányi,Ulrich Adam,Ignacio Sánchez Ricarte,Isidore Obot,Olivier van Beemen,Tunde Salau,米卡·哈基宁,Michael Musalek,Helmu
简介:  Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone calls alcohol a drug despite its psychoactive and cell-destroying effect. Why do we tolerate the death of three million people every year? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for thousands of years? What role does the powerful alcohol industry play with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros in this on-going concealment? The author, who himself enjoys having a drink, looks into the question why we drink at all, what alcohol does to us and to what extent the alcohol industry influences society and politics. He travels around the world from Germany via England to Nigeria to detect aggressive trading practices of the global alcohol industry seeking growth in new markets at all costs. He also visits Iceland, which successfully made the turnaround: Where 20 years ago hordes of drunks roamed the streets, young people today master their need for relaxation and life stimulants without alcohol. The film has no intention to point a moral finger but nevertheless will significantly change the drinking habits of the viewer.
David Nutt,Harvey..