


科拉多 西拉的到来

主演:Luis Felipe Cortés,Adriana Acosta,Dunia Alexandra,Uriel del Toro,Ana González
简介:  It's the 1940's, in the dusty town of Torres Mochas, the feeling of exhilaration and anticipation spreads through the air. The arrival of the enigmatic American who is expected to marry the youngest of the 5 "Virgin Josefitas" is on everybody's mind.
Luis Felipe Corté..


主演:亚当·佐杜洛夫斯基,布朗提思·佐杜洛夫斯基,莱安德鲁·托布,帕梅拉·弗洛雷斯,亚历桑德罗·佐杜洛夫斯基,Jeremias Herskovits,Julia Avendaño,Bastián Bodenhöfer,卡洛琳卡尔森,Ali Ahmad Sa'Id Esber,Kaori Ito,Carlos Leay,Hugo Marín,Felipe Pizarro Sáenz De
简介:  本片是一部围绕智利裔墨西哥籍魔幻现实主义大师亚历桑德罗·佐杜洛夫斯基的传记片。主要讲述其在早年的创作之路。在片中,亚历桑德罗还与很多国内年轻有才但还未成名的年轻人见面交谈。


简介:  The Soundtrack of a life. Cris ( Selton Mello) , a young artist still trying to find his place on the tough world of arts, gets from Brazilian Government special permit to stay a month in an isolated international research station surrounded by nothing but ice. His goal is to prepare an exhibition mixing music and photography. Cris will go against his own defined concepts and values, as he spends time with other researchers discovering PLANET EARTH on an never seen perspective. This shock will result on this young artist 's evolution changing his life forever.


主演:黛博拉·法拉贝拉,泰丝·阿劳茹,莱昂德拉·利尔,卡米拉•皮坦佳,泰娜·朵德,维多·提勒,乔昆姆·德·阿尔梅达,利马·杜阿尔特,莱昂纳多·梅德罗斯,拉萨罗·拉莫斯,丹尼尔·德·奥利维拉,亚历桑德雷·罗德里格斯,Cacá Amaral,哈维尔·安德拉奇,Barroso,Ravel Cabral,Georgette Fadel Georgette Fadel,César Ferrario,布鲁诺·高亚,
简介:  娜塔莉和路易莎和石油巨头谈判无果,阻止临时措施道阻且长,一场秘密行动已经在阿鲁阿南内部有序开展;外部局势紧张,娜塔莉和路易莎却因为组织的新架构再次陷入争执;阿鲁阿南突然闯入球赛,这次他们又会揭露什么黑暗?这群闯入者又能顺利离开吗?  娜塔莉的节目迎来新嘉宾——恩佐市长,阿拉波市污染治理成效显著,娜塔莉顺势踏上了去该市实地探访的旅程,却不料遇到奇怪男子自焚示威。“这里没人想知道真相”又会是什么秘密在等待她们揭晓?


主演:戴尔·迪奇,韦斯·斯塔迪,Michelle Wilson,Benja K. Thomas,约翰·维伊,Marty Grace Dennis,Sam Engbring,Scout Engbring,Gregory Hope,Jesse Hope,Felipe Jorge,Nala
简介:  After unhitching her camper at a lakeside in the mountains, Faye finds her rhythm cooking meals, retrieving crawfish from a trap, and scanning her old box radio for a station. She looks expectantly at the approach of a car or the mailman, explaining to neighboring campers that she’s waiting for a childhood sweetheart she hasn’t seen in decades. When he does arrive, Lito and Faye, both widowed, spend an evening reminiscing about their lives, losses, and loneliness.  A whimsical romance, Max Walker-Silverman’s captivating debut feature shows an "American West" full of quietude, compassion, and introspection. It’s both naturalistic and vaguely surreal, blurring our sense of time and beauty, loss and vivacity, the grandiose natural world and intimate humanism. Career performances from Dale Dickey and Wes Studi bring an inescapable presence to people we don’t often see portrayed on film. They are gentle outliers possessed of resilience and existential spirit, seeking to process something elusive: a feeling of love for what’s no longer there. Like Faye turning her radio dial, they listen hopefully for the faint trace of a song.


主演:莱斯利·霍普,Lovell Adams-Gray,吉姆·沃森,克里斯托弗·贾科特,Madison Cheeatow,Melinda Shankar,凯特琳·勒柏,丽贝卡·利迪亚德
简介:  一组年轻人重回到工作过的夏令营营地,意图掩盖五年前的一场意外。随着他们的到来,营地每天都有人意外死亡,究竟五年前发生了什么,谁又是凶手。
莱斯利·霍普,Lovell Ada..


主演:José Felipe Cárdenas,Haimer Leal,Edison Raigosa,Hilda Ruiz,Marleyda Soto
简介:  老农民阿方索回到了自己的家乡照顾身患重病的儿子,他重新找到了曾经居住的老房子,却发现自己的前妻带着女婿和外孙依然住在这里。等待着他的故乡已经几乎变成一片荒原,庞大的甘蔗种植园环绕着他的老房子,日夜烟雾缭绕。阿方索17年前抛下家人离开,如今他试图重新返回,挽救亲情,却发现 在这个已经物是人非的地方,很多答案只能自己去寻找。
José Felipe Cárde..


主演:Nancy Talamantes,Óscar Torres,Leidi Gutiérrez,José Santillán Cabuto,Edward Coward,Alicia Quiñonez,Raquel Presa,Susana Perez,Gisela Madrigal,Jorge Calderon,Felipe Tututi,Barush Martinez,Yesenia Meza,Sa
简介:  “The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he falls in love with Sofia, his first victim, who’s just 14. To save her, his father demands he seduces a second girl, entangling Ulises in the world of juvenile prostitution that he was trying to avoid, from which escape come at a very high price.
Nancy Talamantes,..


主演:Luis Felipe Lozano,Fernando Úsaga Higuíta
简介:  平克正在逃亡。夜里,空旷的街道上弥漫着末日的气息,整个城市似乎都在燃烧。麻醉剂在静脉和空气中打旋。他已经从某个“教士”领导的教派控制中解脱出来,决心掌握自己的命运,现在藏身于一家非法T恤工厂。平克寻找着末路之光,但鬼魂始终在他的周围游荡。这部实验性作品以哥伦比亚麦德林为背景,描绘了一个逃离危险邪教的年轻人的故事。
Luis Felipe Lozan..